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Combining ALL data from two tables 3

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Sep 10, 2002
I have two tables. Each table shows a request # and another number field. Some, but not all, data between these two tables overlap in the request #. What I want my end result to be is one display as follows:

Reqnum [Table1.Numfield] [Table2.Numfield]

So, show me all request #'s from both tables and group by Reqnum (So that I only see 1 Reqnum, and both Table1 and 2 numfields have an entry). Some of the numfields will return a null value (for those few records that do not overlap), and that is fine.
Am I explaining that well enough? I can't for the life of me figure this out, any help would be appreciated, thanks
Select A.RequestNum, A.NumField, B.NumField
From tbl1 As A LEFT JOIN tbl2 As B
     ON A.RequestNum = B.RequestNum


Select B.RequestNum, A.NumField, B.NumField
From tbl1 As A RIGHT JOIN tbl2 As B
     ON B.RequestNum = A.RequestNum
The use of UNION (rather than UNION ALL) will eliminate duplicate records in the two sub-queries.
First create a union query to create one big set of all of the records from both tables:

Select Distinct Reqnum, Numfield
From Table1
Select Distinct Reqnum, Numfield
From Table2

Call this query qUnion, create another query with left joins from qUnion to each of your two tables:

Select Distinct qu.Reqnum, t1.Numfield, t2.Numfield
From qUnion qu
Left Join Table1 t1 On qu.Reqnum = t1.Reqnum
Left Join Table2 t2 On qu.Reqnum = t2.Reqnum

This second query should give you the results you want.

Golom, I haven't seen your approach before. It looks like it would produce the same result as my approach but with one less step.

I came up with my solution when I needed to produce a similar result as mrtauntaun was looking for.

I am going to try rewriting mine with your approach because, although mine worked, I have never been satisfied with the performance. I actually use 4 queries that get unioned together, and then I left joined the union to each of the 4 original queries. It goes against some large data sets and takes about 2 min to execute.
I would like to thank you both very much. Golom's statement when input worked exactly the way I wanted it. However, Lynchg, you work more my speed, a query to make a query, so with your explanation, I was able to understand what Golom was saying. So thanks to both of you, I have the results I need AND I understand how it works :)
Thanks again!
In trying to incorporate golom's approach it looks like it would be even more complicated than mine. I would have to create outer joins between each pair of queries. That would be 12 separate subqueries.

It was good to see the different approach though, I'll remember that one.
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