I try to collect all tranactions of today with the following query and that works fine, but now I try to get information from the last 7 days and I don't get it to work.
select * from STH_POL_REPORT where date = CONVERT(varchar(30),getdate(),101)
Date field format is: 02/28/2008 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Also how can you generate a list of transaction per month?
I try to collect all tranactions of today with the following query and that works fine, but now I try to get information from the last 7 days and I don't get it to work.
select * from STH_POL_REPORT where date = CONVERT(varchar(30),getdate(),101)
Date field format is: 02/28/2008 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Also how can you generate a list of transaction per month?