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Coldfusion Pagination in details page. 1

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Mar 24, 2010
Hello All,
Can anyone help me out with this problem.

I have a coldfusion master page which displays the category (Galleries.cfm). When users click on Category link, it goes to the details Page (Gallery_Display.cfm), link by Cat_ID. On the Detail page, there are hundreds of records that I want to break into pages, which display only 20 records/ page.
However, whenever I click on the "NextPage" from second, third...category, it shows only the records from the First Category.

IS there any way to fix this problems?

here is my sample page:

something that would be more than usefull here is the code of your page (gallery_display.cfm) ... but based on pure theory here is a sample...

Pagination isn't exactly difficult to do, so i would just recommend having a look at google for more complete FAQs and instructions, but if you need more help... let's see your code :)

<cfquery name="qQuery" datasource="MyDatasourceName">
	SELECT x, y, z
	FROM tableName
	WHERE cat_id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#url.cat_id#">

<cfparam name="url.page" default="1" />
<cfset myMaxRow = 20 /> <!--- for 20 items per page --->

	iTotalPages = ceiling(qQuery.recordCount / myMaxRow);
	myStartRow = ((url.page * myMaxRow) - myMaxRow)+1;

<cfif iTotalPages GT 1>
	<cfoutput><cfloop from="1" to="#iTotalPages#" index="p"><a href="#cgi["script_name"]#?cat_id=#url.cat_id#&page=#p#">#p#</a> |</cfloop></cfoutput>

<cfoutput query="qQuery" startRow="#myStartRow#" MaxRows="#myMaxRow#">

<cfif iTotalPages GT 1>
	<cfoutput><cfloop from="1" to="#iTotalPages#" index="p"><a href="#cgi["script_name"]#?cat_id=#url.cat_id#&page=#p#">#p#</a> |</cfloop></cfoutput>


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