This works in apache but for some reason not in IIS6 (windows2003). I am using PHP4.* on both systems.
I have tried the IP address instead of localhost but I still get the same reasult .....
any input will be much appriciated.
// establish db connection
$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'passwed');
if (!$dbcnx) {
die( '<p>Unable to connect to the database server at this time.</p>' );
if (! @mysql_select_db('hotelInfo') ) {
die( '<p>Unable to locate the hotelInfo database at this time.</p>' );
I have tried the IP address instead of localhost but I still get the same reasult .....
any input will be much appriciated.
// establish db connection
$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'passwed');
if (!$dbcnx) {
die( '<p>Unable to connect to the database server at this time.</p>' );
if (! @mysql_select_db('hotelInfo') ) {
die( '<p>Unable to locate the hotelInfo database at this time.</p>' );