Hi folks
This code runs fine in Excel macro, but I cannot get it to work in VBS.
can anyone tell me what's wrong with it?
Many thanks in advance.
Sub FileRename()
Dim OldPath 'As String
Dim NewPath 'As String
Dim FileExt 'As String
Dim FileNames 'As String
Dim FileSysObj 'As Object
Dim NewFolder
OldPath = "C:\Users\JBinnall\OLD"
NewPath = "C:\Users\JBinnall\OLD\TDH_" & Format(Now, "yyyy_mm_dd") & "\"
FileExt = "*.txt*"
If Right(OldPath, 1) <> "\" Then
OldPath = OldPath & "\" & FileExt
End If
'FileNames = Dir(OldPath & FileExt)
Set FileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set NewFolder = FileSysObj.CreateFolder(NewPath)
FileSysObj.MoveFile OldPath, NewFolder
End Sub
This code runs fine in Excel macro, but I cannot get it to work in VBS.
can anyone tell me what's wrong with it?
Many thanks in advance.
Sub FileRename()
Dim OldPath 'As String
Dim NewPath 'As String
Dim FileExt 'As String
Dim FileNames 'As String
Dim FileSysObj 'As Object
Dim NewFolder
OldPath = "C:\Users\JBinnall\OLD"
NewPath = "C:\Users\JBinnall\OLD\TDH_" & Format(Now, "yyyy_mm_dd") & "\"
FileExt = "*.txt*"
If Right(OldPath, 1) <> "\" Then
OldPath = OldPath & "\" & FileExt
End If
'FileNames = Dir(OldPath & FileExt)
Set FileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set NewFolder = FileSysObj.CreateFolder(NewPath)
FileSysObj.MoveFile OldPath, NewFolder
End Sub