Using Access 2016
Form frmEditNewGivings (for editing donations made by donors, or deleting entry made in error
Has subform fsubNewGivings
On the Form, there is a List box containing all the Envelope numbers assigned.
User can select a number from the List box. This opens the subform to donations matching the selected envelope number.
The following code works.
What I want also to do is include a text box above the List Box, where the user can type in the desired envelope number, removing the necessity to scroll down through the List Box.
Here's what I have tried:
This works okay for one entry. But if the editing is completed, and the user enters a new envelope number the subform doesn't change to reflect that entry.
It's as if once the user plugs an entry in that text box, things come to a halt.
What do I have to do to modify the code?
Form frmEditNewGivings (for editing donations made by donors, or deleting entry made in error
Has subform fsubNewGivings
On the Form, there is a List box containing all the Envelope numbers assigned.
User can select a number from the List box. This opens the subform to donations matching the selected envelope number.
The following code works.
Private Sub lstEnvelopes_AfterUpdate()
Dim sql As String
On Error GoTo lstEnvelopes_AfterUpdate_Error
sql = "SELECT m.EnvNbr, m.[Date Given], m.Local, m.[M and S], m.Building, m.Memorial, m.Other, m.InMemoryOf, m.ToFund " _
& "FROM tblNewGivings as m " _
& "WHERE m.EnvNbr = Forms!frmEditNewGivings!lstEnvelopes " _
& "ORDER BY m.EnvNbr, m.[Date Given]"
Me.fsubNewGivings.Visible = True
Me.lblEdit.Visible = True
'Me.cmdDelete.Visible = True
'Me.Box8.Visible = True
Me.fsubNewGivings.Form.RecordSource = sql
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure lstEnvelopes_AfterUpdate of VBA Document Form_frmEditNewGivings"
What I want also to do is include a text box above the List Box, where the user can type in the desired envelope number, removing the necessity to scroll down through the List Box.
Here's what I have tried:
Private Sub txtEnvNbr_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_txtEnvNbr_AfterUpdate_Error
Dim sql1 As String
sql1 = "SELECT m.EnvNbr, m.[Date Given], m.Local, m.[M and S], m.Building, m.Memorial, m.Other, m.InMemoryOf, m.ToFund " _
& "FROM tblNewGivings as m " _
& "WHERE m.EnvNbr = Forms!frmEditNewGivings!txtEnvNbr " _
& "ORDER BY m.EnvNbr, m.[Date Given]"
Me.fsubNewGivings.Visible = True
Me.lblEdit.Visible = True
Me.txtEnvNbr = Null
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure txtEnvNbr_AfterUpdate of VBA Document Form_frmEditNewGivings"
End Sub
This works okay for one entry. But if the editing is completed, and the user enters a new envelope number the subform doesn't change to reflect that entry.
It's as if once the user plugs an entry in that text box, things come to a halt.
What do I have to do to modify the code?