function dtopos_l_leitura_nro_guia(ordem,tipopos)
define ordem smallint,
tipopos char(1) #Tipo de posicao
define tipodes char(9), #Tipo Descricao (E)ntrega, (R)ecolha, (D)evolucao, (A)r
nro_guia like dtpedido.pe_guia,
serie like dtpedido.pe_serieg,
ckdigit smallint,
posicao smallint, #No. do registo
tipo_ol char(1),
msg char(80)
let tipo_ol =tipopos
let nro_guia=null
let serie =null
let ckdigit =null
let posicao =Linha_c
while true
let tipodes =dtopos_tipodes(tipopos)
let int_flag=false
whenever error continue
input by name tipopos, tipodes, serie, nro_guia, ckdigit without defaults
before field tipopos
if tipo_ol is not null then
next field serie
end if
if nro_guia is not null or serie is not null then
next field serie
end if
after field tipopos
let tipodes=dtopos_tipodes(tipopos)
display by name tipodes
end input
if int_flag then exit while end if
whenever error call prt_error
I see what you're doing: input statement inside a while loop with the while loop terminated by pressing interrupt. (Incidentally and off topic - "whenever error call prt_error" is never executed because the while loop terminates).
I see nothing wrong, and I was unable to duplicated your problem using 4GL version 7.2 UD6 under Solaris both RDS and compiled. Of course, I don't have your exact schema and screen form, and I don't know what happens in function dtopos_tipodes. (You may have
You might try placing an AFTER INPUT block in your input statement and exit the input:
IF int_flag
This should close your input statement before the while loop terminates. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Thank's Ed. When I run it trough the debugger I can't replicate the error (the error occurs when I run the .4ge or the .4gi trough splgo). Do you think it may be an informix bug?
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