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CMS Reports 1

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Jun 18, 2002

Is there a way to tell either the PBX or CMS to NOT count any abandon calls under a 10 second duration in reports?

Definity G3rV6
CMS Rel 3 Ver 5
CenterVu Supervisor Ver 8

Set up the split/skill call profile so the first increment is 10 sec.

Then create a custom report using the calculation (ABNCALLS-ABNCALLS1)

It will subtract any abandons 10 sec or less from the total abandons
Thank wil19148.

So in Split/Skill Call Profile Setup I would put the following:

INC 1 0 to 10
INC 2 to 30
INC 3 to 60
INC 4 to 90
INC 5 to 120
INC 6 to 150
INC 7 to 180
INC 8 to 210
INC 9 to 240

Then do I just add the ABNCALLS-ABNCALLS1 to one of my existing reports in the Queries area? I am not too familiar with customizing a report.

Hello I have a similar setup, my versions are slightly older but pretty close.

My question was about the abondoned call rate, we show alot of calls abondoned and i think the timing is off for us. I'm just learning the CMS system. I think the phantom timer plays a part in this?

I looked up the split/skill and then picked a few and they have all blanks in there? Does that mean it uses the default or does each one have to be filled in?

CardMan - yes. There are plenty of folks here who will help you modify the report if you need it.

JMac - if you're seeing blanks in the split/skill call profile then the profiles most likely have not been set up in the CMS. You have to add the profile for each skill, although you can enter a range when you're setting it up (for example, 1-10)

I was able to modify the reports. Not too bad....

Question: Since I change the profiles to 0 to 10, to 30, to 60, ect., will old data calculate with this new setting or will it still have data based on the 0 to 30, 60, 90....

Old data does not re-sort. Change is effective going forward only.

Will the Average Abandon Time calculation need to be modified? I see that there are values in this column but no abandon calls. I did a report on the previous day which should be with all the NEW setting I modified last week.

Example - on one split I show 0 Anandon Calls with an Avg Abandon Time of :03. How can I correct this?

I do not see where I could modify the msplit.AVG_ABANDON_TIME in the report.

Yes you would need to modify the avg. abandon time calculation as well, to subtract out the first increment of abandons.

Try using

Thanks for the info. I believe I am almost there! I get proper calculation on the individual lines (Data) but my Total calculation does not seem correct. Example: Say I have 4 lines with Avg Abandon Time of :13, 1:13, :48, 2:12. The total is posting at :01 all the time.

Any suggestions?

In the Total Line I have: (Not Calculating right)

sum(hsplit.ABNTIME) / sum(hsplit.ABNCALLS - hsplit.ABNCALLS1)

In the Data Lines I have: (Seems to be correct)


hsplit.AVG_ABANDON_TIME / (hsplit.ABNCALLS - hsplit.ABNCALLS1)
Hi CardMan -

Sorry I've been out of the office - are you still having trouble with this report?

For the data query it should be

For totals it should be

That is working correctly in my reports... if it's not working in yours let me know and I'll send you my email address - you can download the report from your CMS server and email it to me and I'll take a look at it for you.


I don't have to put hsplit. before these since it is a Interval report? I noticed all Weekly reports having wsplit., all Monthly having msplit. and Daily having dsplit. before each calculation name.

Thanks for the info so far....
hsplit is not absolutely required when selecting database items or writing calculations because when you initially create the query you specify that it's coming from the hsplit table. In report designer, if you leave hsplit off, it will still work.

I pu the "sum(ABNTIME)/sum(ABNCALLS-ABNCALLS1)" in the report and my value for the total still shows as 0 even though I show 3 abn calls below it.

Any suggestions?
Can you download a copy of the report off the CMS Server and either post it here or email it to me at wil <at> vr-inc <dot> com

The problem is that you are removing the calls, but you're not removing the ABNTIME for those calls. Not sure if there is a way to do that.
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