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CMS reports 2 abandon calls but no ACD calls

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Technical User
Jun 11, 2003
The supervisor calls me this morning and asks how can 2 calls be abandoned when the ACD cals are 0. I'm lost. How do I explain this?

Thanks in advance

Humpty Dumpty was pushed

1a2 to ip I seen it all

Just a guess; perhaps the call was abandoned after entering the vector but before being queued? What CMS report is your supervisor looking at?

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
Susan: Thanks for the quick reply! The supervisor has left for the day?? I will find out the report and reply back.

Thanks again

1a2 to ip I seen it all
Check your phantom abandoned call timer; any call that has a talktime of less than this (usually 10seconds) will be reported as abandoned not acd even though the call was answered.


PS: Please let me know if my advice has been of any use.
Ok I'll byte. Where is this setting on the PBX or CMS?



1a2 to ip I seen it all
richgarcia87: you're right...in a way. Usually calls answered are ACD-IN calls and don't count as abandoned, however if you have the Phantom Abandoned call timer configured then any call with a talktime (duration) less than this timer then it will be classed as abandoned - it does this because any call that is so short cannot be deemed a valid call (assuming your business processes support this assumption).

On CMS (telnet, login as root)

run cmssvc, choose option 7 (swinfo) the list that appears will state if you have this timer set and what it is set to.


PS: Please let me know if my advice has been of any use.
cyberjamos: I checked this and found It not set at all. So correct me if I'am wrong but the 2 calls were abandoned prior to being queued.

If this is correct I can recreate the problem by hanging up prior to being queued.

Thanks again


Humpty Dumpty was Pushed

1a2 to ip I seen it all
It just means you had 2 total calls of which both were abandoned. ACD=1, ABN=2 would mean you had 3 total calls with 1 answered, and 2 abandoned.

Are you reporting off of VDN or Skill? If you are looking at a Skill report then your vectors may not be setup with 'if' scenarios. They may be setup to queue to a skill regardless of what time it is or if any agents are staffed.
If the abandoned timer isn't set then the abandoned calls are exactly that, abandoned. It would be interesting to know what richgarcia87 has asked, are you reporting by VDN/Skill? Either way if the ACD=0 and the ABAN=2 then the calls simply weren't answered - you could check the MAX DELAY or AVG ABAN times, these can give a good indication as to whether these calls were waiting a long time or not. Also as richgarcia87 has said, are your vectors setup with Time-of-Day checks for out of hours?


PS: Please let me know if my advice has been of any use.
I have the report in question. It is a split/skill summary interval. There are 2 one half hour time slots in question. AVG Aban time = 24 and 12 ACD calls =0 for both ABAN calls =2 for both MAX delay =:45 and :16 %acd time .00 for both AVG pos Staff=1.0 for both and Calls per pos = 0 for both.

Thats my story and I'am sticking with it.


I'am so confused

1a2 to ip I seen it all
Again, how are your vectors set up? I can only guess the calls were in queue because you had someone staffed that wasn't available.
The first vector has the call classifier stuff and time of day tests.
01 wait-time 0 secs hearing ringback
02 goto vector 3 if staffed-agents in skill 20 > 0
03 goto vector 4 if staffed-agents in skill 21 > 0
04 goto step 12 if staffed-agents in skill 10 > 0
05 goto step 29 if time-of-day is all 17:00 to all 08:00
06 goto step 29 if time-of-day is fri 17:00 to mon 08:00
07 goto step 29 if staffed-agents in skill 10 = 0
08 goto vector 2 if staffed-agents in skill 10 < 1
09 goto vector 2 if calls-queued in skill 10 pri m > 49
10 goto step 12 if staffed-agents in skill 22 < 1
11 announcement 82690
12 queue-to skill 10 pri m
13 announcement 82691
14 wait-time 30 secs hearing 82696 then music
15 collect 1 digits after announcement 82692
16 route-to number 82660 with cov y if digit = 1
17 wait-time 60 secs hearing 82696 then music
18 collect 1 digits after announcement 82692
19 route-to number 82660 with cov y if digit = 1
20 wait-time 120 secs hearing 82696 then music
21 collect 1 digits after announcement 82692
22 route-to number 82660 with cov y if digit = 1
23 wait-time 180 secs hearing 82696 then music
24 collect 1 digits after announcement 82692
25 route-to number 82660 with cov y if digit = 1
26 announcement 82693
27 goto step 14 if unconditionally
28 stop
29 collect 1 digits after announcement 82797
30 route-to number 82660 with cov y if digit = 1
31 route-to number 82999 with cov y if unconditionally
32 stop
The above has been working for three years without a problem.

Thanks in advance

1a2 to ip I seen it all
From the CMS dictionary for the Split/Skill Summary Interval Report:

Avg Aban Time: The average time the split/skill ACD calls were waiting in queue or ringing before abandoning.

ACD Calls: The number of split/skill ACD calls that were queued to this split/skill and answered by an agent for this split/skill.

Seems pretty clear-cut; you had callers in queue that hung up before their calls were answered by the reps. You should be able to recreate this by calling the queue when all of the reps are logged in but unavailable (AUX, on the phone, etc) and then hanging up sometime after you hear the announcement on line 13.

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
I have come across this problem before and found that users had dialed the extension number for the "Group Extension field" that is detailed in the Hunt group setup page, for the particular skill in question, this had casued abandonded calls without any ACD calls.
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