I have an end user looking for the Historical Split/Skill Report Monthly but only for specific time frames, ie 8-5. Is there a way to tweak that report to target times?
The standard split/skill report only allows for 1 day of data.
You'll have to modify a standard Split/Skill Interval report to allow for multiple date entries. Then run the report for the days in the month with an inteval of 08:00 - 17:00
But understand that your system is probably set up to only store 1 month of interval time. So you won't be able to go back more than 1 month at a time.
Check the Data Storage Allocation settings under: Tools | System Setup and check the Days of Inter Hour setting.
Mine is set to 45 days, other companies I've worked for had this set to 32 or 35. So you have to run the report as soon as you can the following month or you'll lose the data.
- Stinney
I love learning and passing on knowledge. "Because knowing is half the battle".... GI JOOOOOE!
The Summary Interval Report breaks it down by hour the Report Monthly breaks it down by agent. He really likes the Report Monthly data just isn't interested in the hours they aren't working. Is there a way to add the interval times to that Reports Monthly report?
Mine does. The first column is Agent Name and it gives ACD calls, ACW Time and various other columns broken down by Agent. Historical Split/Skill Report Monthly, it also gives the totals but it is that per agent data the end user needs.
Ok, I found the report you are referring to, but when you say the user isn't interested in hours they aren't working, the report shouldn't be showing anytime that the agent isn't working. If the agent isn't logged in the system doesn't record data for the agent. Why does the user think it's reporting on time the agents are not working?
- Stinney
I love learning and passing on knowledge. "Because knowing is half the battle".... GI JOOOOOE!
Select the Historical | Agent | Split/Skill Interval Report and click on Copy and name it something different so you don't overwrite the standard report.
This will put it in the Designer reports.
Select Designer | [your report name] and click on Edit.
Click on the agent field at the top of the report and hit your delete key to remove it.
Select Edit | Inputs...
Check the multi-value check box for Date
Select Split/Skill in the Input Types window, click Add
Click OK
Select Edit | Queries...
Select data then click on Edit.
Select hagent.SPLIT from the Query Items... and click on Remove (system will warn you about removing from report, click ok)
Select LOGIN from the Database Items and click ADD
Click Move Up until this is above the hagent.sum(TOTAL_ACDCALLS)
Click on Where
Delete the where clause and replace with this:
STARTTIME = [Times:] and ROW_DATE = [Dates:] AND SPLIT = [Split/Skill:] and ACD=$acd GROUP BY 1, 3, LOGID ORDER BY hagent.STARTTIME
Click Save (system will tell you to make sure to edit totals, click ok)
Select totals and click Edit
Click on Where
Delete the where clause and replace with this:
STARTTIME = [Times:] and ROW_DATE = [Dates:] AND SPLIT = [Split/Skill:] and ACD= $acd
Click Save, then click Close on the Query Select window.
Select Edit | Inputs...
Select Agent row in the Input window and click Remove, click OK
Right click on the Table and select Format Table....
Click on the Data tab
Select LOGIN in the Available Data window and click ADD
Click Up until this is above the hagent.sum(TOTAL_ACDCALLS)
Click on the Format tab
Change the hagent.STARTTIME + hagent.INTRVL Align to Left
Click OK
Select Report | Save
Now run your report.
This is going to provide the data in 1/2 hour intervals with the agent's name and data.
If you want to summarize this so it's just the Agent name and total data modify the report by doing the following:
Select Edit | Queries...
Select data then click on Edit.
Remove hagent.STARTTIME, '-', hagent.STARTTIME + hagent.INTRVL from the Queries Items window (have to do it one at a time)
Change the where clause to read:
STARTTIME = [Times:] and ROW_DATE = [Dates:] AND SPLIT = [Split/Skill:] and ACD=$acd GROUP BY LOGID
Click Save, then click Close on the Query Select window.
Select Insert | Field... | Input Value
Click Next
Select Times, then click Done.
Move the Times field so you can read it and adjust the time window so it's closer to the lable.
Select Report | Save and then run your report.
- Stinney
I love learning and passing on knowledge. "Because knowing is half the battle".... GI JOOOOOE!
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