I need to update my CM NTP server addresses. I know this is done via the web interface. Does this do any sort of system reset when the change is committed? It will be done on a duplex, with the standby first.
First off, depends on what version of CM you are on. Either way there should be no reset (assuming you don't have a major time shift).
For CM8.1 the easier from the command line (if you have root level access). Just edit the /etc/ntp.conf file. on on
For CM10.1 the underlying OS changed to Red Hat 8 so it is no longer NTP but Chrony. You can edit the /etc/chrony.conf file. NOTE: Avaya did not update the was NTP is configured with Red Hat 8 so be aware there is a difference in an NTP pool and NTP server. Read up on the NTP pool with Chrony if you want to use a pool. The line should be 'server <ip> iburst'. Use 'chronyc sources' command to get a status of the individual clocks. Use 'timedatectl status' to get the status of clock sync.
Here's a little secret. There's free public NTP servers. If you just pointed there, you'd never have this problem.
And if Avaya was smart enough to have SMGR/GRSMGR do NTP for the whole stack, you wouldn't have to think about pointing each VM to a particular NTP address.
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