I have a command button on my form which opens a extrenal application when a cammand button is clicked.
Private Sub runapp_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_runapp_Click
Dim stAppName As String
stAppName = "C:\Documents and Settings\PC1\Desktop\App_1.exe"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_runapp_Click
End Sub
The above works fine but I want to also close this application from my form. Is it possible to close the same application with another command button?
I have tried "Docmd.close" "Docmd.quit" etc. Not having much luck.
Any ideas.
Private Sub runapp_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_runapp_Click
Dim stAppName As String
stAppName = "C:\Documents and Settings\PC1\Desktop\App_1.exe"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_runapp_Click
End Sub
The above works fine but I want to also close this application from my form. Is it possible to close the same application with another command button?
I have tried "Docmd.close" "Docmd.quit" etc. Not having much luck.
Any ideas.