Hi all,
Apologies for the amount of content!
I have a current issue with getting clients into network neighbourhood that are located on the WAN. Local clients are there and at the remote sites it is the same. We have recently moved offices and changed some routers and connection equipment (too much to list but basically remote sites have CISCO 2600's and connect to a CISCO 7507 via Private circuits), before this move all clients were in network neighbourhood.
We are running Windows NT 4 (sp6a) domain using TCP/IP and NetBEUI, some remote sites have NT4 servers some don't but all clients log on to the domain okay and all are in the same workgroup. DHCP and WINS are set up and working okay. All clients can ping all clients by IP and Name. All clients can also map to all clients.
The main reason for wanting clients in network neighbourhood is we need to point remote site to print to other remote sites in the very near future, this has to be done with "easy to talk though instruction" to none computer literate users.
Apologies for the amount of content!
I have a current issue with getting clients into network neighbourhood that are located on the WAN. Local clients are there and at the remote sites it is the same. We have recently moved offices and changed some routers and connection equipment (too much to list but basically remote sites have CISCO 2600's and connect to a CISCO 7507 via Private circuits), before this move all clients were in network neighbourhood.
We are running Windows NT 4 (sp6a) domain using TCP/IP and NetBEUI, some remote sites have NT4 servers some don't but all clients log on to the domain okay and all are in the same workgroup. DHCP and WINS are set up and working okay. All clients can ping all clients by IP and Name. All clients can also map to all clients.
The main reason for wanting clients in network neighbourhood is we need to point remote site to print to other remote sites in the very near future, this has to be done with "easy to talk though instruction" to none computer literate users.