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Clause 10.7 1

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Oct 23, 1998
Sophos is running a contest named after Apple's Clause 10.7 for their Apple Watch App Store Review Guidelines.

Sophos said:
The Guidelines start off in a surprisingly chatty (if not always strictly grammatical) sort of way:

We view Apps different than books or songs, which we do not curate.

The actual clause refers to the prohibition of Watch apps that allow you to tell time.

10.7 said:
10.7 Watch Apps whose primary function is telling time will be rejected.

Sopho wants to turn Clause 10.7 into "security slang."

Sophos said:
We intend it as an ironic way of referring to a security rule or process that was probably intended to work for the greater good, but ended up sounding not only petty but also absurd.

So, had anybody here see 1) any Clause 10.7 rules and/or 2) rules that could use a grammar checker? If you want to enter the contest, you don't have to post Clause 10.7 rules here if you don't want to. ;-)

James P. Cottingham
I'm number 1,229!
I'm number 1,229!
10.7 said:
...whose primary function...

There's the loophole. How does one define "primary"? Say I make a real lame game that has a seriously cool time display function when it's not being actively played. Or even a really cool game, but it has an awesome time display when not being played.

Or a game that displays a cooler and more awesome time display for each progressive level you beat. Your time display shows off your game prowess. How can they object to that game since the clock you get is merely a reward for good game play? Clearly not the primary purpose of the app.

Also, that clause just seems to be stupid for both sales and marketing reasons. Most tech devices get a massive boost in sales when there's a "killer app" that drives it. What if a non-Apple developer comes up with a "killer clock app" that pulls in people that wouldn't normally even look at the Apple watch? They could be missing out on massive sales volume.

Seems like claiming a piece of the app space as their own is both greedy and short sighted.

This is the same as what Apple did recently with map apps. They 'banned' every map app except for Apple maps. They only relented when Apple maps was misleading users and possible got some injured/killed.


The following is part of my signature block and is only intended to be informational.
Posting advice: FAQ481-4875
I understand your question to be about the language, not the content. Here is my best shot at the grammar.

We view Apps different than books or songs, which we do not curate.

Maybe should read - We view apps differently than products we do not curate such as books or songs

10.7 Watch Apps whose primary function is telling time will be rejected.

Maybe should read - 10.7 A watch App that has a primary function for telling time will be rejected

We intend it as an ironic way of referring to a security rule or process that was probably intended to work for the greater good, but ended up sounding not only petty but also absurd.

Maybe should read - We intended it as an ironic way of referring to a security rule or process that was meant to work for the greater good but ended up sounding petty and absurd.

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
The last sentence quotes Sophos, not Apple, and the way you mend it changes the message a but. I would only add a missing comma. [1]
2ffats question is about what could win a tee in that contest, only secondary about the grammar, but only about the grammar of Apples rules, and that last quote isn't a rule.
That of course doesn't mean you can't address it, as it's also wrong (ónce again refer to [1]). As said, your correction to "petty and absurd" simplifies the message, though.

Bye, Olaf.

[1] "petty but also absurd" should have a comma, as the word "also" makes "but also absurd" an independent clause, in the same way as "isn't" makes the difference in "Grammar is boring but necessary" versus "Grammar is boring, but it's necessary". Forgive me if that's wrong and teach me something new, as I'm not a native english speaker. Maybe the final rule is different here, as this part is already part of a clause starting with "but ended up...".
For this discussion it doesn't have to be just Apple's rules, any business' rules that are "petty and absurd" or need a grammar checker.

James P. Cottingham
I'm number 1,229!
I'm number 1,229!
Thanks for clarifying. So you are in general seeking more material to turn into Ten-Dot-Sevened oxymorons. Selfcontradictory or absurd rules.

I'll come back later...
Apple is apparently also prohibiting apps that run on other smart watches...

On one hand that seems very draconian. On the other it does help them guarantee a better, more consistent, and exclusive user experience. That helps ensure the impression of superiority and exclusivity that Apple seems to work hard to cultivate.

Gotta keep the Apple fans happy.
Bond, Jimmy Bond 003.5


-- Francis
Francisus ego, sed non sum papa.
I'm thinking Jimmy Bond belongs in the Half a Movie thread, but that's only a guess.

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
Well, he's in the correct forum so he got halfway there...

[small]"The software I buy sucks, The software I write sucks. It's time to give up and have a beer..." - Me
Oops. sorry. [blush]

-- Francis
Francisus ego, sed non sum papa.
SamBones said:
On the other it does help them guarantee a better, more consistent, and exclusive user experience. That helps ensure the impression of superiority and exclusivity that Apple seems to work hard to cultivate.

Let me fix that for you:

On the other it doe$ help them guarantee a better, more con$i$tent, and exclu$ive u$er experience. That help$ en$ure the impre$$ion of $uperiority and exclu$ivity that Apple $eem$ to work hard to cultivate.

With business clients like mine, you'd be better off herding cats.
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