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Classic Public Blunders

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May 30, 2002
I went to my local grocery store and saw the following sign:
Bananas, the prefect snack food!
The irony of which word was mispelled was not lost on me. Have you other examples of a mistake that is a real classic?

[sup]Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.[/sup][sup] ~George Bernard Shaw[/sup]
Systems Project Analyst/Custom Forms & PL/SQL - Oracle/Windows
I remember a roadside diner which had painted in 2-foot letters on one end of the building, "DINNING ROOM". That sign was there for the best part of 20 years.

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prefect... maybe it wasn't a misspelling...

the prefect of snack foods...

as in Ford Prefect
The prefect of snack foods
Since a prefect (not as a proper noun) is a person, who are you talking about?

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
In a grocery store, where you could buy "coupons" and the money would go toward the less fortunate (at least that's what they meant to say)..

"Less Unfortunate"

no, not a person...

a car...

u know, how they say "blah blah blah" is the "blah blah" of "blah"

sort of a twist on douglas adams...
After seeing that sign for about 10 years, I stopped in. The food in the dinning [sic]room was very good.

As I was paying for my meal, I asked the cashier about the sign. She sheepishly told me that the misspelling was originally unintentional, but that it drew so much attention to the diner that they left it the way it was. They actually touched up the sign every six months and completely repainted it every two years -- and kept the misspelling.

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lol, cool, maybe more places will start to spell things wrong...
They are. Intentionally. It seems now, a "cool" name for a store/restaurant must be misspelled. All this "Krispy Kreme", and plenty of others. I've seen "Koolest Shoes", all variations of things "Nite" and "Lite", I can't recall all of them at once.
yeah, I know what u mean, but they are all playing on phonetics...

can anyone think of a total popular intentional misspelling of a name, I don't know, like Joe's Hammor Shop?
Crowley16 said:
yeah, I know what u mean
Gutsy move, to say, in a forum dedicated to the proper use of language.

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
What would you say of "Arm and Hammer" products (toothpaste, probably something else also)? Play on phonetics also.
A nice play with words in brand names "Phat farm" and "Baby phat".
Some great road signs can found on this site:
Road Signs
Check out the Signs by Location and Signs by Category options near the top of the page.

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
"There was once a gentleman by the name of Armand Hammer..."
That's exactly what I was talking about as an example of "intentional misspelling of a name" to create a brand name, which, at the same time, is a phonetical play.

FunnySigns said:
CAUTION! While Backing Pole in Rear

Oh, that one made my morning! People around my cube started looking at me funny because I was laughing so hard.

With your thoughts you create the world--Shakyamuni Buddha

Nice link, by the way. It seems to me, though, that most of the article are legends (and very entertaining at that), carefully created decades ago and supported to maintain interest to the brand and to the person.
can anyone think of a total popular intentional misspelling of a name

Two that come to mind from childhood:

Nestle's Quik

Dubble Bubble Gum

Hoc nomen meum verum non est.
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