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citrix profile problems

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May 6, 2004
Kay I'm kinda new to Citrix and terminal services so I'll give ya the run down on whats happening.

We are running a win2k network, with a 2000advance server pdc, a 2003 server file server and just started putting together citrix. We've got everything all set up to start testing citrix, and this is what we are getting.

Most users we have set up with roaming profiles coming off of the file server with a directory \\server\home\%username%\profile
now all of these profiles work within windows, but as soon as we get them to start loggin into citrix we're losing their profiles. I've disabled the delete cached profiles to ensure that a profile is being sent, and it appears identicle to a profile for windows so why are we not seeing the profile? The real funny thing is, is that 8 outa 10 users profiles will work within citrix, but the 2 out of those 10 are the important ones we don't want to recreate.
any ideas?

one more off topic question,
I've figured out how to put people on roaming profiles, but I haven't a clue how to remove their roaming profile (this is probably real simple and I'm just making it difficult)

Is your your domain Active Directory or NT? Sounds like you have configured a home directory, but not a terminal services profile. Am I wrong?
It is indeed an Active directory, it was to my understanding (ahem mebbe I was told) that if you have roaming profiles you don't need to set up a terminal services profile.. I could be wrong here, and only one way to find out, do I point the TS prof to the same place the roaming profiles are, ie: \\server\home\%username%\profile
or is it entirely different?

I'd suggest using a new profile store for TS. Thus seperating PC profiles and TS profiles.

what if I want them both to be identicle? what use is storing two of the same things?

Because your PC's are configured differently than your Citrix server so some settings in your Terminal Service Profile won't be suitable for your PC Profile.

Does that help any?

okay I follow you on that one,

I was wondering as well, I found that most of the profiles that we're having trouble with the pc that these profiles originated from were recently converted from fat32 to ntfs, think that might have anything to do with it?

Could be, I'd recommend using one user and kill both their profiles, make a new PC one, ensure it works ok, then use Citrix and create a new one for that. Then test both environments work ok.

Then you might need to upset your world by resetting everyones!!!! ;-)

Please forgive me for butting in, but I too am experiencing a problem with profiles. I have all of my Citrix users configured with a Terminal Services Profile in AD. Some are roaming profiles and some are mandatory profiles.

For some reason, this profile setting will disappear from the AD account information of one or a few users occasionally. It will happen to only a few users at most. I'll get a helpdesk complaint that a user cannot get into his email or something else profile-related. When I check his AD account information in ADUC, there will no longer be anything in the Terminal Services Profile field. When I re-enter the appropriate profile information, he can operate normally again.

Any ideas why this is occurring?
TexExpat, that sounds like it could be a problem with time-stamping and replication.

With the profiles disappearing, could it be a problem with having the profile share with 'Offline caching' available?

Have a look in your event log - you might see an error warning about disabling 'offline caching' for the profile share.


"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other human invention in history...with the possible exception of handguns and tequila." -Mitch Ratcliffe

you write about TerminalServicesProfiles.
I have here the following env:

1 Win2K PDC (AD running) with Terminalservice-Licening running
(here are all the Users created with a normal Profile located on another Win2K Server (File and Print-Server).

then we have 2 Win2K Server with Citrix (no AD running on them). The users access either one or the other but logon to the Domain (not to the citrix-Server) , take the profile of the Fileserver, copy it (temporarly) to the citrix server and everything works great - like accessing Office or Netscape email or anything else on the citrix-servers.

Do I need too TerminalServices profiles? And what would be the advantages?

Thanks very much for help me understand this issue,
I can lend a hand here as I have had exactly this problem and it is the usrlogon.cmd file.

Each user should be setup with a terminal services profile in active directory which works when you logon to the server direct (say T: drive).

When you log in via citrix, the T: drive gets stripped.

The reason is the usrlogon.cmd file that is part of the logon process. Try using the following code instead (PS if this doesn't work, you may also need to run the compatibility scripts - chkroot and setpaths to first define T:):-


@Echo Off

Call "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\SetPaths.Cmd"
If "%_SETPATHS%" == "FAIL" Goto Done

Rem This is for those scripts that don't need the RootDrive.

If Not Exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\Usrlogn1.cmd" Goto cont0
Cd /d "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\Logon"
Call "%SystemRoot%\System32\Usrlogn1.cmd"


Rem Determine the user's home directory drive letter. If this isn't
Rem set, exit.

Cd /d %SystemRoot%\"Application Compatibility Scripts"
Call RootDrv.Cmd
If "A%RootDrive%A" == "AA" End.Cmd

Rem Map the User's Home Directory to a Drive Letter

if exist %RootDrive%\NUL: GOTO NOMAP_DRIVE

Net Use %RootDrive% /D >NUL: 2>&1
Subst %RootDrive% "%HomeDrive%%HomePath%"
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto SubstErr
goto AfterSubst
Subst %RootDrive% /d >NUL: 2>&1
Subst %RootDrive% "%HomeDrive%%HomePath%"


Rem Invoke each Application Script. Application Scripts are automatically
Rem added to UsrLogn2.Cmd when the Installation script is run.

If Not Exist %SystemRoot%\System32\UsrLogn2.Cmd Goto Cont1

Cd Logon
Call %SystemRoot%\System32\UsrLogn2.Cmd


ok, but I'm still a bit confused.

Is this T drive just a map to the path where that user's profile is stored or is it the home directory where the person saves their files.
In our case, the following is set in active directory:-

On users properties/under terminal services profile the following is filled in

User profile

Terminal services home directory
connect t: to \\srv\share\%username%

and allow logon to terminal server ticked.

If you look at the existing usrlogon.cmd file and put lots of pauses in you'll see that you users drive is mapped at the beginning of the process, but gets stripped out as it progresses. If you use the code above, this doesn't happen.

Try putting pauses in the usrlogon.cmd file on your citrix server and see if this is what is happening to you.
thanks crystalsinger,

Thats good to know and it helped me figure half of my problem out.

next problem is that the folder redirection is failing to initialize on that username (I know this is a bit off topic but while I got your attention). we've got the users 'My documents' folder redirected to \\server\home\my documents this is working on everybodies login but one. What's got me baffled is that it works fine when logged into any pc but as soon as he tries going into citrix it gets lost somewhere. Would I have to set up the policy on the citrix server to allow for this and we're just getting lucky with all the other users? or is that buddies profile is seriously muddled up somewhere?

thanks in advance
I've had the same - some users who's profiles just won't play ball. Sometimes it's an error during the setup of the profile (i.e the early one's I setup). Usually deleting the users terminal servers profile entry and deleting it physically, then recreating works. I have had one or 2 that this hasn't worked for and I've needed to recreate the user.

No easy fix for this one.

Thats what I was afraid of. But hey it's all part of the learning curve eh!

thanks for your insight crystalsinger
I'll let ya know how it goes

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