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Mar 29, 2005
Hi. Sorry for being the newb. I've done a bit of reading and couldn't find an answer. I don't have enough experience with the hardware to determine what I need in order to set this up.

At work, I've only programmed a few routers but don't understand much about the hardware (eg, the cards that go into the back of the routers).

I'm looking to get a cisco 2600 router for home use. I looking to get CCNA certified. I find it easier to study this at home rather than use the resources at work simply because I feel moments of inspiration and ingenuity arise at spurs of the moment. I find my spurs usually come at home.

Enough background:

I wanted to set up my router such that my internal network goes through my router which is then connected to my cable/dsl modem via ethernet as well. I was planning on using the built in Eth0/0 for my internal. Where would my external network connection go? At work, I notice we use a T1 card but I don't know if that'll work at home as I can't afford the luxury of T1. What card would I need? Is this even possible?

Thank in advance!
Depends on the model 2600 you purchase and the type on internet connection you have.
You need to get a 2600 with 2 ehternet ports, either a 2611 or 2621. The 2611 has 2 10Mb ports (unless you get the 2611XM), while the 2621 has 2 100Mb ports. You can pick up a regular 2611 on ebay for about $350, a 2611XM or a 2621 are a lot more. Or, you can get an 831 for about $400, which has a WAN port to plug the cable modem into, and 4 100Mb Ethernet ports built in. You wont be able to use a T1 card for cable/DSL, its not the same.
You would setup one Eth port to get its IP via DHCP from the cable/dsl modem, and then setup the other one on a private network ie or, and use NAT betweent the 2 networks to get to the internet.

Network Administrator
Dude. You're awesome. Thanks. Does the 2611XM support 100Mb then?
Nevermind. I read up on it and yeah, the XM is 10/100mbit. But thank you anyway! Greatly appreciate the insight. I will try it. the 2611XM's seem to be goign for about twice as much as the 2611. :( I really wanted to use it for my home network as well as learn the insides and outs.
I would think a 10mb 2611 would be fine on a 1.5 or 3.0mb internet connection. The internet connection is the real bottleneck...unless you have a 100mb pipe to your house.....
Tharder is correct you wil not get past 1.5mb from your internet provider.

I use at home a vonage VoIP box -> Cisco 2600 e0/0 -> Cisco 3550-> pcs

works like a charm. I usd dhcp for my 2600 to vonage connection

int e0/0
ip address dhcp

yep. you guys are absolutely correct. For inter-network transfers, it would be a bottle neck. however, connecting it to dsl/cable would be just fine. i'm glad you guys talked some sense into me. i'm going to get just a regular 2611. just to start.

however, i'm going to save for a 2611xm for a second network. =D

thanks guys (& girls, if any).
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