My current environment is using Mitel phones with HP Switches. The HP Switches are being removed and replaced with Cisco Switches. When I plug a Mitel phone into the HP switch the Phone boots fine. When I plug into a Cisco Switch I get DHCP Discovery and then it will timeout with Option 125 Missing. I have been trying to tag the traffic and untag the traffic with no success. My brain is starting to hurt so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Data Vlan--Vlan 1--IP Address 10.14.1.x /24
Voice Vlan--Vlan 50--IP Address 10.14.5.x /24
Port on Switch:
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,50
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree guard root
auto qos voip trust
and I have tried this:
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport access vlan 1
switchport voice vlan 50
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree guard root
auto qos voip trust
Cisco Switch Port Connecting to HP Switch (Mitel System is on HP Switch)
int f0/48
auto qos voip trust
spanning-tree portfast
int f0/48
sw tr nat vlan 1
auto qos voip trust
Data Vlan--Vlan 1--IP Address 10.14.1.x /24
Voice Vlan--Vlan 50--IP Address 10.14.5.x /24
Port on Switch:
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,50
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree guard root
auto qos voip trust
and I have tried this:
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport access vlan 1
switchport voice vlan 50
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree guard root
auto qos voip trust
Cisco Switch Port Connecting to HP Switch (Mitel System is on HP Switch)
int f0/48
auto qos voip trust
spanning-tree portfast
int f0/48
sw tr nat vlan 1
auto qos voip trust