i recently connect two switch 2950 and 2960 with two zhone 2040G SHDSL nerwork extender ( 2.3 Mbps x 4 = 9.2 Mbps ). I have a lot of problem with this connection. The 2 switchs was configure to communicate as trunking dot1q, and each one was connect to an Zhone ( paradyne ) SNE2040G between us. I have 20 PC connect to the end of the line switch (2960) and the trunking port FA0/24 link to the modem blink green-amber-green-amber-... a lot of the time, a sign of a link fault. Any difference between SNE2040G provider and subscriber unit??? i see different sticker on the the two boxes, but a did'nt see any difference between the unit. Please thank's for your precious help.
i recently connect two switch 2950 and 2960 with two zhone 2040G SHDSL nerwork extender ( 2.3 Mbps x 4 = 9.2 Mbps ). I have a lot of problem with this connection. The 2 switchs was configure to communicate as trunking dot1q, and each one was connect to an Zhone ( paradyne ) SNE2040G between us. I have 20 PC connect to the end of the line switch (2960) and the trunking port FA0/24 link to the modem blink green-amber-green-amber-... a lot of the time, a sign of a link fault. Any difference between SNE2040G provider and subscriber unit??? i see different sticker on the the two boxes, but a did'nt see any difference between the unit. Please thank's for your precious help.