In our IPO manager -> User -> Voice Recording, we have enabled the Auto and Manual Recording Mailbox of our agents to specific folders (dummy folder per user), which means the Voice Recording Library (auto/manual) option is unticked and we are saving the recordings in per agent folder for us to easily retrieve per agent.
Is it still possible for chronicall to look up for the recordings and show it in cradle to grave? Is there settings i need to change?
Thanks a lot!
In our IPO manager -> User -> Voice Recording, we have enabled the Auto and Manual Recording Mailbox of our agents to specific folders (dummy folder per user), which means the Voice Recording Library (auto/manual) option is unticked and we are saving the recordings in per agent folder for us to easily retrieve per agent.
Is it still possible for chronicall to look up for the recordings and show it in cradle to grave? Is there settings i need to change?
Thanks a lot!