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Choosing a Database/Programming language

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Nov 3, 2003

My company is asking me to create new to replace a 4yr old custom system that is outdated. We use MS Server 2003 and have 6 locations in 3 different states.

The new software is an insurance quoting system that also works as our accounts receivables/billing software. We know we need a database for the storage, but I'm unsure the best package to create the new software in. We are also trying to decide if we want a single central database all locations access or keep our current setup of 6 local databases that synchronize each night. Better to have a Web based system or Windows form?

Some issues I am unsure how to overcome:
- Multiple users at each location (up to 70 total now, but this needs to scale)
- Ability to attach emails from Outlook to the quotes, Word docs, Excel spreadsheets
- Synchronization issues (any variety of DB better at this than others?)
- need to export some reports as XML

I'm currently reading everything I can on the process of software development, but it's almost time to start doing more than planning. Thank you for any advice you may have.
I would go with one centralized DB. Trying to sync multiple DBs becomes complicated. If you have good network connections, one central DB is fine and way easier to maintain.

As for the front end, since you have offices spread out, a web based system is the way to go. When you make code changes, you only have to deploy to one web server( or multiple web servers if you use a web farm). If you use a windows based front end, distribution of the code becomes more complex. With the .NET environment, this has become eaiser, but I would still go with a web based approach.
Thanks for the advice. Now all I need to do is learn how to create it, and figure out a way to make it secure. The boss is very worried about security on a web based system.
We have a similar environment. All our offsite users attach to a Citrix farm where all database applications are hosted. I also have developers scattered all over and they use MS Terminal Services to do development on our shared environment.

Language? We have worked with Dataflex/Visual Dataflex for 15+ years. It's available for C/M in DOS, Linux, Unix. The visual product is only supported on MS platforms. They also have a nice Web Application environment that runs on IIS as well. Oh yea.... did I mention the content management system comes with the product? ... did I mention they have a free, unlimited, personal edition with connectivity kits for DB2, Pervasive, & MSSQL? This product makes a great corporate development environment.

Web applications are easily secured with SSL. That is then you have to type in a URL like: http[red]s[/red]://
That is all done through IIS. If you don't want to use SSL, you can use encrypted querystrings. There are many ways to secure the information you are passing.

It seems like you are trying to do alot of things, and are just starting out. You may want to consider having some consultants come in to help you get started and give you some ideas.
marc92 said:
The boss is very worried about security on a web based system.

You have 6 locations, but do you have a WAN? My last choice would be to create a public-facing web system. If you create a "web system"--which to me means utilizing web applications, regardless if they are internet or intranet apps--you can still keep it local to your WAN so it cannot be accessed outside of your company if you have the proper infrastructure setup.
I agree with RiverGuy, you need to create a WAN and then it is just an Intranet app, not an Internet(public) app.
Additionally, if you use stored procs instead of dynamic SQl to query your data, you canset permission at the proc level and users cannot do anything not defined by the proc becasue they have no direct acces to the tables. This helps keep the data more secure. Addionally consider adding table auditing, so that you know exactly who changed what record and what the old values were.

SInce this seems to be a very complex application (there are lot of legal and accounting rules to know if designing a accounts receivables/billing system) and you seem relatively inexperienced, can I suggest you look to see if there is an existing commercial product you can buy? Particulalry for the accounting piece of the software. You may be able to much easier use that and then just add on a quoting system that might access some of the tables in the accounting software. It could be cheaper and far less time cionsuming to develop as well as more likely to follow correct accounting procedures and laws.

"NOTHING is more important in a database than integrity." ESquared
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