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Checking for spaces at beginning of string 1

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Apr 30, 2007
I am having a problem using the left function to check for spaces at the beginning of a string. using this code:

If Left(ActiveCell, 5) = " " Then activecell.offset(1,0).activate

I am trying to skip any string that begins with 5 spaces. The code above does not seem to work to accomplish this goal. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to better go about this?
How about using LTrim:
if len(activecell.txt)-len(LTrim(activecell.text))=5 then

Bob Rashkin
Hi nwallac1:

It worked for me with 5 spaces within the quotes ... so make sure there are 5 spaces within the quote marks.

Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E.
Energy Efficient Building Network LLC
While using ltrim would be nice, it is not a possibility in this case. I am trying to eliminate those cells that begin with 5 or more spaces from my search. I chose 5 as a safe number that would distinguish the cells I want from the cells I do not want. thus, I am still having many problems.

I would not use Select either. Using the Select or Activate methods is not a good programming practice for range referencing.


[glasses] [red][/red]
I am trying to eliminate those cells that begin with 5 or more spaces from my search.
Ah yeah! Finally some more info.
Keep it rolling, and you might not need five spaces in the first place!

==> What are you trying to do and can't these unwanted cells not be distinguished in any other way?

==> With a search, you don't want to actually activate any cell anyway, do you?

Hence, a simple
dim ran as range, c as cell
set ran=Selection.Find(What:=.......).Activate
for each c in ran
 if not left(c,5)="     " then
   'do your thing
 end if
next c

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set ran = [b]ActiveSheet.Cells[/b].Find(What:=.......)   [red][S][b].Activate[/b][/s][/red]


[glasses] [red][/red]

Yup, Gerry. Hate to sound like a broken record, but...

Do kids today know what a broken record sounds like?


[glasses] [red][/red]
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Part and Inventory Search

