I need program in C++ to read the information from data file and check for invalid characters.The only valid characters will be numerals and white space.Valid characters needs to be printed out to the screen, keeping the same number of lines.
Sample of data file:
Sample Pressure Volume Mass Temperature
1 1 atm 100 liter 1000 g 300 K
2 2 atm 200 liter 500 g 450 K
3 1 atm 400 liter 200 g 900 K
Thank You !!!
Sample of data file:
Sample Pressure Volume Mass Temperature
1 1 atm 100 liter 1000 g 300 K
2 2 atm 200 liter 500 g 450 K
3 1 atm 400 liter 200 g 900 K
Thank You !!!