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checking for existence of table in VBA using SQL 2

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Jun 30, 2004
I have a problem. I have a table that is created in an ACCESS DB that runs daily. This table is deleted at the beginning of the next run. In certain situations, the table does not exist. I have been trying to test for that situation so I can continue processing without error but have been unsuccessful. Here is what I have done:

Here is the basic command I use to delete the table:

DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE tbltracerfinal;"

I then changed it to :

DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE tbltracerfinal;"
On Error Resume Next

This does not work as VB kicks an SQL error statement before it interprets the next line (ON Error....)

I tried several different versions of SQL code that I thought would work like:

'DoCmd.RunSQL "If (tblTracerfinal) then DROP TABLE tblTracerfinal;"

This has faulty SQL code.

Does anyone know how to check for the existence of a table using SQL in a VBA environment?
Does anyone know how I could do it using VBA code???

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
you should put the on error resume next before the sql statement.
Thanks for the quick response.

As a general rule, I don't use error bypassing so On Error Resume Next was code I had never used - consequently, my erroneous placement of it. I tested it and it worked like a charm. Thanks a bunch.
If you want a broader capability create a module that you can call whenever you need to know if a table exists:


Function IsTable(DbName As String, TName As String) As Integer
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim Found As Integer
Dim Test As String
Const Name_Not_In_Collection = 3265

Found = False

On Error Resume Next
'If the database name is empty..
If Trim$(DbName) = "" Then 'If db name not specified in function call isTable("",xx)
'...set the db to current db
Set db = CurrentDb()
'otherwise set db to specified open database
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DbName)
'see if an error occurred
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not find database to open: " & DbName, vbOKOnly, "Not Found!"
IsTable = False
Exit Function
End If
End If

'see if the name is in the Tables collection
Test = db.TableDefs(TName$).Name
If Err <> Name_Not_In_Collection Then Found = True

IsTable = Found

End Function

The in code just use:

If IsTable("", "YourTableNameHere") = True then
'do something
'do something else
End If

I got this off the web sometime ago and cannot credit the source - but it has come in handy many times.
Try this
If DCount("*", "MSysObjects", "name = 'YourTableName'") = 0 Then MakeYourTable
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