I have a table called Key Log Out Table that has these fields name:<br><br> TransID<br> SiteNumber<br> KeyNumber<br> EmployeeID<br> IssuedDate<br> ReturnedDate<br><br>This table is linked to Site Table, Key Table and Employee Table. On this table there is a site number and a key number assigned to each<br>key, I would like to let the user know if that particular key have already been assigned to someone else because it doesn't have a returned date. But if there is a return date then the user may issue that key out again. The problem is that I'm not a very good VB or SQL coding person, but I'm good at developing database. I can not make those three fields the primary key because the return date is sometimes null. I have tried to make the other two fields primary, but then it will not allow me to ever use the site number and key number again. I've even tried to set up a unique index, but I did not know how the coding for that would go. So if anyone has any coding that would enable to to do this, please let me know.