What version of Nortel are you using? If it is the latest 4.15 or 4.6. Then is your company using Nat or no (have they enable the feature to force users behind a router to use nat?) if they have then disable IPSec passthrough, if they have not then enable IPSec passthrough.
We have Nortel 4.15 clients with a Contivity 1500. I was told by my ISP (who is administering the Contivity) that the banner text is used to communicate a security disclaimer from the ISP. However, if you are getting stuck at that point, maybe the banner text can be disabled.
This is from a tech doc that I wrote for my VPN support web I maintain, this should work for you, more than likley they do have you in NAT, if they did not, then that linksys router works right out of the box. (I have it at home)
1. Open up your browser and type
2. You will be prompted for a username and password.
3. By default there is no username, and the password is admin. Once you type in the password click OK
4. Once you've gotten past the login you should be at the "Filters" tab.
5. Make sure IPSec Passthrough is disabled.
6. Click Apply then Continue
7. After the settings have been applied, your VPN is setup, connect through your VPN software
***If the above procedure does not work, or hangs during the "apply" portions, please contact LinkSYS or go to their home page and update to the latest version of the bios for your particular model.
also, getting the "checking for bannertxt" then log in failed. i troubleshoot this as well. if you are getting this then you might also have another vpn client on it. AOL is considered as a vpn client. so get rid of AOL becasue AOL=BAD. not only that but you might want to check this site out. this is what helped me out in understanding more stuff about the vpn client.
I have a similar problem, but a little more annoying... We are using the Contivity client to connect customers from one site to our company's intranet. The customer site is protected by a Cisco Pix. The VPN connection initiates well and some users are able to connect, but sometimes we get the bannersock or bannertext error.
We found that depending on our IP address, some people were able to go through, and some other weren't. We also found that 24 hours after a connection error with a specific IP address, the same ip address started working fine, and connected to the VPN without doing anything.
Does someone has any idea regarding this issue? It sounds like a firewall issue, but I don't have a clue!
User NiteLite mentioned that the brother multifunctionprinter can cause the checking for banner text issue, but I do not see how this was resolved. I have another thread going on this issue and I completely stuck at this point.
NiteLite, hopefully you see this and can post a response.
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