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Checking directory for Files

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Mar 31, 2003

I have a directory on a fax server that will remain constant. The faxed in image files (.tif) in this directory are processed through an imaging application. I've created a script that reads the directory and creates the feed to the application. However, I want to check the directory for the existence of files before it proceeds with the rest of the script.

Seems like it should be simple but can't get it. I believe it's due property of the file collection.

Dim objFSO, FxFiles
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
Set FxFiles = objFSO.GetFiles("c:\infax\*.tif")
If FxFiles = "" Then
GoTo NoFiles
GoTo WrkFiles
End If

Appreciate any help and the expertise all of you offer!
The FSO doesn't have a "GetFiles( )" method. Instead you use GetFolder( ) and then examine the Folders and Files collections that the Folder returned by GetFolder( ) exposes as properties.

The online docs are here:

Downloadable docs are here:


Thanks for the help. I was mistaken, there is a GetFile() method, but I did try your recommendation with the GetFolder and examining the Files collection. The problem I am still experiencing though is in the "If" statement test. If I have a result of FxFiles.Files, what do I test against for an empty result.

Set FxFiles = objFSO.GetFolder("c:\infax\*.tif")
Set FlChk = FxFiles.Files

If FlChk = "" Then ...... doesn't work
If FlChk = Null Then ....... doesn't work
If FlChk = Nothing ....... doesn't work

all three return an invalid property assignment error.

Thanks again!
This is what I did

Sub ShowLeafFolders(Folder)
	Dim SubFolder
    For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders
        'Wscript.Echo Subfolder.Path
        ShowLeafFolders Subfolder
'	ShowFoldersDetails(Folder.Path)
End Sub

Sub ShowFoldersDetails(Folder)
	Dim objShell
	Dim objFolder
	Dim FileCount
	Dim FolderCount
	Dim Item
	Dim startVal
	Dim displayNGName
	Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
	Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(LCase(Folder))

	FileCount = 0
	FolderCount = 0
	Dim i

	For Each Item in ObjFolder.Items
		If Item.IsFolder = True Then
			FolderCount = FolderCount + 1
			FileCount = FileCount + 1
		End If
	If FolderCount = 0 Then
'		WScript.Echo "Folder Count = " & FolderCount

		StartVal = InStr(Folder, "nomadics_projects") + 17
		displayNGName = "nomadics.projects" & Join(Split(Mid(LCase(Folder),StartVal), "\"), ".")
'	    ReDim Preserve NewGroupNames(newFolderIdx + 1)
'	    ReDim Preserve NewFileCounts(newFolderIdx + 1)

		If (DebugOn) Then
		'	WScript.Echo  displayNGName & " = " & FileCount
		End If
		objNewGroupDy.Add displayNGName, FileCount

'		NewGroupNames(newFolderIdx) = displayNGName
'		NewFileCounts(newFolderIdx) = FileCount
'		newFolderIdx = newFolderIdx + 1
	End If
End Sub
Set FlChk = FxFiles.Files
If FlChk.Count > 0 Then MsgBox "You've got files"

Jon Hawkins
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