Hello List! I need to post this in two posts because of it's size, so please bear with me...
I have some questions regarding how to implement a checkbox on my asp page...
I have a checkbox on records on a list indicating if it is a 'Valid Exception' -- if the user checks it, it is hidden on the list, if not, it remains displayed on the list.
After selecting the record(s) that are Valid Exceptions, they click the <Submit> button, and a '1' is stored in the database column indicating it's a Valid Exception.
I also have a 'Show Valid Exceptions' checkbox on the top of the page, that, when clicked, automatically refreshes the page and shows both Valid Exceptions (indicated with a check in the checkbox ) and not Valid Exceptions (those that are not checked).
Here's my dilemma: Let's say the user clicks the 'Valid Exception' checkbox on a record indicating it's OK; then when reviewing the list, realizes it shouldn't be a Valid Exception, that it is indeed wrong, and want to UNCHECK the 'Valid Exception' checkbox ---
How do I do that???
Here's my code in which TWO of the 5 records are marked as "Valid Exceptions":
Part2 -- next post
I have some questions regarding how to implement a checkbox on my asp page...
I have a checkbox on records on a list indicating if it is a 'Valid Exception' -- if the user checks it, it is hidden on the list, if not, it remains displayed on the list.
After selecting the record(s) that are Valid Exceptions, they click the <Submit> button, and a '1' is stored in the database column indicating it's a Valid Exception.
I also have a 'Show Valid Exceptions' checkbox on the top of the page, that, when clicked, automatically refreshes the page and shows both Valid Exceptions (indicated with a check in the checkbox ) and not Valid Exceptions (those that are not checked).
Here's my dilemma: Let's say the user clicks the 'Valid Exception' checkbox on a record indicating it's OK; then when reviewing the list, realizes it shouldn't be a Valid Exception, that it is indeed wrong, and want to UNCHECK the 'Valid Exception' checkbox ---
How do I do that???
Here's my code in which TWO of the 5 records are marked as "Valid Exceptions":
<link href="../Images/retro/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script language="javascript">
function showSubs(Myparent){
thisMenu = document.getElementById(Myparent).style
if(thisMenu.display == "block"){
thisMenu.display = "none"
thisMenu.display = "block"
return false
alert("not working")
return true
function openEditOccupantWindow(pageURL){
if (top.occupantWindow){
top.occupantWindow = null
window.theFrameSet = parent.top
var wleft=300
var wtop = 200
var wtop = window.screenTop
var wleft = ((window.screen.width / 2) -175)
top.occupantWindow = window.open(pageURL,'occupantWindow',"width=550,height=480,scrollbars=yes,left="+wleft+",top="+wtop)
function submitForm(){
<style type="TEXT/CSS"></style>
<script Language="JavaScript">
function showValid(fld){
<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="20" bottommargin="25" rightmargin="0">
<div id="Container">
<span id="PageHeader">Locations with Multiple Occupants</span>
<span Class="LoadPage" ID="LoadPage">
<br><img src="../Images/retro/statusicons/PleaseWait3.gif"><br>Loading page...<br>
<script language="javascript">
Part2 -- next post