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Aug 12, 2004
1 textbox
1 checkbox

I have a checkbox and when I click on the checkbox value 1
should be placed in the textbox

if unchecked the value 2 must placed in the textbox.
How can I do this?
please advise
One way:
<script type="text/javascript">

var text1 = "Text 1: blah blah blah blah";
var text2 = "Text 2: blah blah blah blah";
function changeText(checkbox)
  document.forms['f'].elements['t'].value = (checkbox.checked) ? text1 : text2;

// -->
<form name="f">
 <input type="text" name="t">
 <input type="checkbox" onclick="changeText(this);">


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series
why is the second script not working?

if I delete show() the function changeText is working and also uppesit but
together the only changeText is working

please advise
<input name="the_checkbox" type="checkbox" id="checkbox"

What is [tt]show()[/tt]?


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series
<script language="javascript">
function show() {
var c = document.forms['Incident'].elements['the_checkbox'];
var dS = document.getElementById('the_4');
var dH = document.getElementById('the_2');
dS.style.display = 'inline';
dH.style.display = 'none';
c.onclick = hide;

function hide() {
var c = document.forms['Incident'].elements['the_checkbox'];
var dS = document.getElementById('the_4');
var dH = document.getElementById('the_2');
dS.style.display = 'none';
dH.style.display = 'inline';
c.onclick = show;
Are all the names correct?


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series
show alone is working perfectly
showtext alone is working perfectly
but together ...

please advise
What exactly is happening when you click on the check box?


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series
when I click on the checkbox
the showtext is working only text 1
the show is working

but when I unchecked showtext is not inserting text 2 it stay at 1

As I thought.
Remove changeText from the onclick and call it in show and hide:
function show() {
    var c = document.forms['Incident'].elements['the_checkbox'];
    var dS = document.getElementById('the_4');
    var dH = document.getElementById('the_2');
    dS.style.display = 'inline';
    dH.style.display = 'none';
    c.onclick = hide;

function hide() {
    var c = document.forms['Incident'].elements['the_checkbox'];
    var dS = document.getElementById('the_4');
    var dH = document.getElementById('the_2');
    dS.style.display = 'none';
    dH.style.display = 'inline';
    c.onclick = show;
When you change c.onclick, changeText gets removed.


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series
I'm glad it works... [lol]


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series
yes is works fine when I want to insert a new record.
but when updating a record
i get some problem with the show /hide function

what you had explain works PERFECTLY

updating a record do not keep the settings what I selected
because the "error" is the show and hide function
maybe you can help with this one as it is something similar

this is my checkbox code
<input name="Service_Request" type="checkbox" onClick="show();" value="<%=(Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value)%>"
if (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = -1 then
response.write "Checked"
elseif (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = 0 then
response.write ""
End if

as you can see onclick is only show
so if the checkbox is 0 it show/hide how can I??
I hope understand what I mean
thx kisoen

I don't know ASP, but something like this?
<input name="Service_Request" type="checkbox" onClick="
  if (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = -1 then
  response.write "show();"
  else if (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = 0 then
  response.write "hide();"
" value="<%=(Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value)%>" 
  if (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = -1 then
  response.write "Checked"
  elseif (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = 0 then
  response.write ""
  End if


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series
why is the javascripting not working?
is something I did wrong?
please advise

<input name="Service_Request" type="checkbox" value="<%=(Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value)%>"
if (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = -1 then
response.write "Checked"
elseif (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = 0 then
response.write ""
End if
if (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = -1 then
response.write "show();"
elseif (Update.Fields.Item("Service Request").Value) = 0 then
response.write "hide();"
end if
What's the result on the page?


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series
hi, its opening the page fine (no errors occurs)
than when clicking on the checkbox nothing happens
so it seems like the javascripting is not working with that combination

gr. kisoen
Can you copy+paste some of the code here that you get when you view source?


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var text1 = "3";
var text2 = "4";

function changeText(the_checkbox)
document.forms['Incident'].elements['INC'].value = (the_checkbox.checked) ? text2 : text1;

// -->
<script language="JavaScript">
function show() {
var c = document.forms['Incident'].elements['Service_Request'];
var dS = document.getElementById('the_4');
var dH = document.getElementById('the_2');
dS.style.display = 'inline';
dH.style.display = 'none';
c.onclick = hide;

function hide() {
var c = document.forms['Incident'].elements['Service_Request'];
var dS = document.getElementById('the_4');
var dH = document.getElementById('the_2');
dS.style.display = 'none';
dH.style.display = 'inline';
c.onclick = show;

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="css/content.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
@import url("css/newstyle.css");


.style3 {color: #FFFFFF}
a:visited {
color: #0000FF;
a:active {
color: #0000FF;
.style4 {color: #000000}
.style5 {color: #E0DFE3}
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[n];
for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers.document);
if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;

function NM_autoTab(tf1,tf2,len) { // v1.0 based on var flength=0;
var f1 = MM_findObj(tf1);
var f2 = MM_findObj(tf2);
if (f1.value.length != flength) {
if (flength == len) {

<script language="JavaScript">

var arrDynaList = new Array();
var arrDL1 = new Array();

arrDL1[1] = "the_sel4"; // Name of parent list box
arrDL1[2] = "Incident"; // Name of form containing parent list box
arrDL1[3] = "the_sel5"; // Name of child list box
arrDL1[4] = "Incident"; // Name of form containing child list box
arrDL1[5] = arrDynaList;

arrDynaList[0] = "10"
arrDynaList[1] = "UserID aanmaken"
arrDynaList[2] = "10"

arrDynaList[3] = "20"
arrDynaList[4] = "Uitleg systeem"
arrDynaList[5] = "11"

arrDynaList[6] = "10"
arrDynaList[7] = "Table maintenance"
arrDynaList[8] = "15"

arrDynaList[9] = "20"
arrDynaList[10] = "Aanpassing parameters"
arrDynaList[11] = "16"

arrDynaList[12] = "20"
arrDynaList[13] = "Rapportage Ad-hoc"
arrDynaList[14] = "17"

arrDynaList[15] = ""
arrDynaList[16] = "Rapportage structureel"
arrDynaList[17] = "18"

arrDynaList[18] = ""
arrDynaList[19] = "t.b.v toekomstige project"
arrDynaList[20] = "19"

arrDynaList[21] = ""
arrDynaList[22] = "Password resetten"
arrDynaList[23] = "20"

arrDynaList[24] = ""
arrDynaList[25] = "Gebruikersorganisatie"
arrDynaList[26] = "21"

arrDynaList[27] = ""
arrDynaList[28] = "Beheersorganisatie"
arrDynaList[29] = "22"

arrDynaList[30] = ""
arrDynaList[31] = "Ontwikkelorganisatie"
arrDynaList[32] = "23"

arrDynaList[33] = ""
arrDynaList[34] = "User Manuals"
arrDynaList[35] = "24"

arrDynaList[36] = ""
arrDynaList[37] = "Beheers manuals"
arrDynaList[38] = "25"

arrDynaList[39] = ""
arrDynaList[40] = "Werkinstructie"
arrDynaList[41] = "26"

arrDynaList[42] = ""
arrDynaList[43] = "Queries schrijven"
arrDynaList[44] = "27"

arrDynaList[45] = ""
arrDynaList[46] = "Sas jobs bouwen"
arrDynaList[47] = "28"

arrDynaList[48] = ""
arrDynaList[49] = "CL jobs bouwen"
arrDynaList[50] = "29"

arrDynaList[51] = ""
arrDynaList[52] = "UserID verwijderen"
arrDynaList[53] = "30"

arrDynaList[54] = ""
arrDynaList[55] = "JCL schrijven"
arrDynaList[56] = "31"

arrDynaList[57] = ""
arrDynaList[58] = "PC tools / toepassing maken"
arrDynaList[59] = "32"

arrDynaList[60] = ""
arrDynaList[61] = "Overige tools / toepassingen maken"
arrDynaList[62] = "33"

arrDynaList[63] = ""
arrDynaList[64] = "t.b.v. business proces/procedures"
arrDynaList[65] = "34"

arrDynaList[66] = ""
arrDynaList[67] = "Adviseren t.b.v. projekt"
arrDynaList[68] = "35"

arrDynaList[69] = ""
arrDynaList[70] = "Uitleg van functionaliteit"
arrDynaList[71] = "36"

arrDynaList[72] = ""
arrDynaList[73] = "Userid Suspend"
arrDynaList[74] = "40"

arrDynaList[75] = ""
arrDynaList[76] = "Authorisatie aanpassen"
arrDynaList[77] = "50"

arrDynaList[78] = ""
arrDynaList[79] = "IBM group aanmaken"
arrDynaList[80] = "60"

arrDynaList[81] = ""
arrDynaList[82] = "Verzoeken over Functionaliteit"
arrDynaList[83] = "100"

<script language="JavaScript">
function setDynaList(arrDL){

var oList1 = document.forms[arrDL[2]].elements[arrDL[1]];
var oList2 = document.forms[arrDL[4]].elements[arrDL[3]];
var arrList = arrDL[5];


if (oList1.selectedIndex == -1){
oList1.selectedIndex = 0;

populateDynaList(oList2, oList1[oList1.selectedIndex].value, arrList);
return true;

function clearDynaList(oList){

for (var i = oList.options.length; i >= 0; i--){
oList.options = null;

oList.selectedIndex = -1;

function populateDynaList(oList, nIndex, aArray){

for (var i = 0; i < aArray.length; i= i + 3){
if (aArray == nIndex){
oList.options[oList.options.length] = new Option(aArray[i + 1], aArray[i + 2]);

if (oList.options.length == 0){
oList.options[oList.options.length] = new Option("[none available]",0);

oList.selectedIndex = 0;

function Kermy_JS(jsStr) {
return eval(jsStr)

function jm_phonemask(t)
{var patt1 = /(\d{3}).*(\d{3}).*(\d{4})/;
var patt2 = /^\((\d{3})\).(\d{3})-(\d{4})$/;
var str = t.value;
var result;
if (!str.match(patt2))
{result = str.match(patt1);
if (result!= null)
{t.value = t.value.replace(/[^\d]/gi,');
str = '(' + result[1] + ') ' + result[2] + '-' + result[3];
t.value = str;
if (t.value.match(/[^\d]/gi))
t.value = t.value.replace(/[^\d]/gi,');

<body bgcolor="#636576" text="#0099FF" onLoad="Kermy_JS('setDynaList(arrDL1)')" >

<form action="/spljxcast/updcir.asp?callID=CIR04555" method="POST" name="Incident" id="Incident">
<p><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">
</font><font color="#0099FF" size="-2"> </font>
<table width="102%" height="282" border="0" align="left" bgcolor="#BBE7F9" name="HeaderTAB">
<tr align="center" valign="baseline" bgcolor="#BBE7F9">
<td height="21" colspan="6" nowrap><b> </b>
<div align="left" class="style3">
<p class="b2calendarrow"><b><font size="-2">CallID: CIR04555 IntakeDate: 6-1-2004 8:25:30 IntakeBy: 23819
<input type="hidden" name="CallTypeID" value="CIR" size="15">
<tr valign="baseline" bgcolor="white">
<td height="21" colspan="6" nowrap>
<div align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"> </font><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font></div>
<div align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"> </font><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font><font
color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"
face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">
<script language="JavaScript">
function calpopup(lnk) {
window.open(lnk, "calendar","height=250,width=250,scrollbars=no")
</font><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font> </div>
<div align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font></div>
<font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">
<input type="text" name="ShortDescription" value="Ad Hoc Housekeeping SPL landen niet allemaal gelopen" size="60">
&nbsp; </font><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">
<input type="text" name="CPRID" value="" size="8">
<input type="text" name="CIRID" value="" size="8">
<input name="INC" type="text" id="INC" value="3">
<tr valign="baseline" bgcolor="#BBE7F9">
<td height="14" colspan="5" nowrap>
<div align="left"></div>
<font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">&nbsp; </font>
<div align="left">
<label>Service Request</label>
<div align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font></div></td>
<tr valign="baseline" bgcolor="white">
<td height="36" colspan="6" nowrap>
<div align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font></div>
<font size="-2">
<label> </label>
<div><span class="style5"><br>
</span> </div>
<div align="left">
<div align="left" class="style4"></div>
<div class="style4">
<input name="Service_Request" type="checkbox" value="False"
<div id="the_2" style="display: inline;">
<select name="select2">

<option value="10" >High</option>

<option value="20" >Medium</option>

<option value="30" SELECTED >Low</option>

<select name="the_sel6">

<option value="61" >High</option>

<option value="62" >Medium</option>

<option value="63" SELECTED >Low</option>

<select name="select3">

<option value="10" >Critical</option>

<option value="20" >High</option>

<option value="30" >Medium</option>

<option value="40" SELECTED >Low</option>

<span class="style5"></span><br>
<div align="left" class="style5"><div id="the_4" style="display: none;">
<select name="the_sel1" title="63">

<option value="10">High</option>

<option value="20">Medium</option>

<option value="30">Low</option>

<select name="the_sel2" title="30">

<option value="61">High</option>

<option value="62">Medium</option>

<option value="63">Low</option>

<select name="the_sel3" title="40">

<option value="10">Critical</option>

<option value="20">High</option>

<option value="30">Medium</option>

<option value="40">Low</option>

<select name="the_sel4" title="10"

<option value="10">Security Management</option>

<option value="20">Consultancy</option>

<option value="30">Data Management</option>

<option value="40">Reporting</option>

<option value="50">Uitzoekwerk</option>

<option value="60">Training</option>

<option value="70">Manuals</option>

<option value="75">End User Computing</option>

<select name="the_sel5" id="select2" title="10">

<div id="the_2" style="display: none;"></div>
<span class="style5"></span> <font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">&nbsp; </font> <div align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font> </div></td>
<tr valign="baseline" bgcolor="#BBE7F9">
<td height="24" colspan="3" nowrap><div align="left"><font
color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> <span
<div align="left" class="b2calendarrow style4"> <font
size="-2">Bu-Department: Phonenr. </font></div>
<div align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">
<div align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font></div></td>
<td width="430" rowspan="2" nowrap><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">
<textarea name="CallDescription" cols="45" rows="8">STRCORERT
waarschijnliijk oorzaak geweest doordat deze niet goed heeft
<tr valign="baseline" bgcolor="#BBE7F9">
<td colspan="3" nowrap><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">
<input type="text" name="CustomerName" value="Walter Schol"
</font><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">
<select name="Bu" size="1" id="select12">

<option value="-" SELECTED >-</option>

<option value="C&A" >C&A</option>

<option value="CSO" >CSO</option>

<option value="General Cargo" >General Cargo</option>

<option value="IS" >IS</option>

<option value="MM" >MM</option>

<option value="Specialties" >Specialties</option>

<option value="SUIT" >SUIT</option>

<input name="Department" type="text"
onKeyUp="NM_autoTab('Department','Departmentcode','3')" value="SPL"
size="3" maxlength="3">
<input name="Departmentcode" type="text"
onKeyUp="NM_autoTab('Departmentcode','Phonenr','2')" value="IF" size="2"
<input name="Phonenr" type="text" onBlur="jm_phonemask(this)"
value="" size="25">
<tr valign="baseline" bgcolor="#BBE7F9">
<td height="13" colspan="6" nowrap><div align="left"
class="b2calendarrow"><font size="-2">Application</font></div></td>
<tr valign="baseline" bgcolor="white">
<td height="22" colspan="6" nowrap>
<div align="left"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font><font
color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">
<select name="SystemID" size="1" id="select13" title="CLAS">

<option value="-" >-</option>

<option value="ACT!" >ACT!</option>

<option value="As400" >As400</option>

<option value="ATS" >ATS</option>

<option value="AVION" >AVION</option>

<option value="AVP" >AVP</option>

<option value="Bart" >Bart</option>

<option value="CAPS" >CAPS</option>

<option value="Cargo Accel" >Cargo Accel</option>

<option value="Cargo Accel Run" >Cargo Accel Run</option>

<option value="Cargo messaging" >Cargo messaging</option>

<option value="Cargoal" >Cargoal</option>

<option value="Cargomate" >Cargomate</option>

<option value="CDMP" >CDMP</option>

<option value="CDW" >CDW</option>

<option value="Chain" >Chain</option>

<option value="CLAS" SELECTED >CLAS</option>

<option value="CORE" >CORE</option>

<option value="CRAS" >CRAS</option>

<option value="Cris" >Cris</option>

<option value="Daisy" >Daisy</option>

<option value="EAC" >EAC</option>

<option value="E-Booking" >E-Booking</option>

<option value="ECB" >ECB</option>

<option value="E-gam" >E-gam</option>

<option value="E-tracking" >E-tracking</option>

<option value="First" >First</option>

<option value="Flexin" >Flexin</option>

<option value="Greenbook" >Greenbook</option>

<option value="Hubla" >Hubla</option>

<option value="IDK" >IDK</option>

<option value="Internet" >Internet</option>

<option value="Intranet" >Intranet</option>

<option value="IVS" >IVS</option>

<option value="LIME" >LIME</option>

<option value="Mailmaster" >Mailmaster</option>

<option value="ManLPT" >ManLPT</option>

<option value="Maris" >Maris</option>

<option value="MC Tools" >MC Tools</option>

<option value="Mercator" >Mercator</option>

<option value="MI- Cargo" >MI- Cargo</option>

<option value="MM Applicaties" >MM Applicaties</option>

<option value="Modest" >Modest</option>

<option value="MVS/DB2" >MVS/DB2</option>

<option value="NAWB" >NAWB</option>

<option value="NOACH" >NOACH</option>

<option value="OKLA" >OKLA</option>

<option value="OTC" >OTC</option>

<option value="Pearl" >Pearl</option>

<option value="Phyttol" >Phyttol</option>

<option value="Picasso" >Picasso</option>

<option value="Respond" >Respond</option>

<option value="Routecheck" >Routecheck</option>

<option value="SAS" >SAS</option>

<option value="SAS C& A" >SAS C& A</option>

<option value="SAS Gen" >SAS Gen</option>

<option value="Scarlos" >Scarlos</option>

<option value="Scope" >Scope</option>

<option value="SFE" >SFE</option>

<option value="STARS" >STARS</option>

<option value="STEPS" >STEPS</option>

<option value="Switch" >Switch</option>

<option value="Top Secret" >Top Secret</option>

<option value="Trips" >Trips</option>

<option value="Units" >Units</option>

<option value="VB Applications" >VB Applications</option>

<option value="WebPearl" >WebPearl</option>

<option value="XQP" >XQP</option>

<tr valign="baseline" bgcolor="#BBE7F9">
<td width="270" height="22" nowrap><div align="left"><font
color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"> </font><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2"><a
href="javascript:history.go(-1);">Go back</a></font><font color="#FFFFFF"
<input name="image" type="submit" value="Update"
src="file:///C|/Adam/images/update.jpg" width="80" height="30">
</font><font color="#FFFFFF"></font></div></td>
<td colspan="4"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">&nbsp;
</font><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-2">&nbsp; </font><font
color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</font><font color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</font></td>
<font size="-2">
<input type="hidden" name="MM_update" value="Incident">
<input type="hidden" name="MM_recordId" value="CIR04555">
<input  name="Service_Request" type="checkbox" value="False"
<input  name="Service_Request" type="checkbox" value="False"


"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!"
-- Stephen King, The Dark Tower series
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