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Checkbox value 2

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Technical User
Jun 28, 2003

I have an SQL update based on the value of the checkboxes:
SQL="Update Table Set Status = " & CInt(Request("chkStatus")) & " Where ID = " & IntID

But I couldn't get the value of the checkboxes. I always update with checkbox's value = 0.

Here is my checkboxes

<%Do While NOT RsData.EOF%>
<tr><td>Status<input type=&quot;checkbox&quot; name=&quot;chkStatus&quot; value=&quot;<%Rs(&quot;Status&quot;)%>&quot;>

I guess I'm missing the code to capture the value of the checkboxes. Someone please help!
Actually, I use this to update:

for i=1 to request(&quot;chkStatus&quot;).count

SQL=&quot;Update Table Set Status = &quot; & CInt(Request(&quot;chkStatus&quot;)(i)) & &quot; Where ID = &quot; & CInt(Request(&quot;txtID&quot;)(i))

cn.execute mysql
The problem with that code, as I said earlier, is it will only pull the checkboxes that are checked but pull all the text boxes called txtID, so your code won't match the check box to the right ID.

Change your check box to this
<input type=&quot;checkbox&quot; name=&quot;chkStatus<%=rs(&quot;ID&quot;)%>&quot; value=&quot;0&quot;>

And sql loop to this

for i=1 to request(&quot;chkStatus&quot;).count
SQL=&quot;Update Table Set Status = 1 Where ID = &quot; & tempID
cn.execute mysql

This will pull back the checked check boxes, strip of the identifying ID number and update the table setting status to 1 for correct record ID.
I presume it should be set to 1 since you're pulling records that have status of 0 to start with.

Since you change the checkbox name to

The For loop need to change to:

For i=1 to Request(&quot;chkStatus<%=RsData(&quot;TaskID&quot;)%>&quot;).count

but it gave me syntax error
D'oh good point
for each x in request.form
if left(request(x),9)=&quot;chkStatus&quot; then
SQL=&quot;Update Table Set Status = 1 Where ID = &quot; & tempID
cn.execute mysql
End if

Hmmm that should be...

for each x in request.form
if left(x,9)=&quot;chkStatus&quot; then
SQL=&quot;Update Table Set Status = 1 Where ID = &quot; & tempID
cn.execute mysql
End if

Doing a loop connection isnt a very good idea as far as performace... because you are doing multiple connections if I were doing which I believe I have before... I would do it like this it only requires 2 insert connections:

Name all your checkboxes one name.

1) Put the id of each record in the value of the check box

2) Store all id's in a hidden form field...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

3) Then do a script to remove the ids that were checked...

So then you have:

strChecked = &quot;1, 2, 3&quot;

strNotChecked = &quot;4, 5, 6&quot;

Then do to INSERTS...

'# Checked values
strInsert = &quot;INSERT INTO table SET status=1 WHERE id in(&quot; & strChecked & &quot;)&quot;

'# UnChecked values
strInsert2 = &quot;INSERT INTO table SET status=0 WHERE id in(&quot; & strNotChecked & &quot;)&quot;

- Jason
Let me know if you need further help
or if this works for you..



I have tried your way yet but How do I get the strChecked or strUnChecked?

<%Do While NOT RsData.EOF%>
<td><input type=&quot;hidden&quot; 
<td>Status<input type=&quot;checkbox&quot; name=&quot;chkStatus&quot; value=&quot;<%Rs(&quot;Status&quot;)Rs(&quot;ID&quot;)%>&quot;>>/td>
This should work for you, let me know if you have any problems and I will fix them, I did not test it because I would have had to set up a db and stuff...But you shouldn't have any problems I don't think.

'## Page 1

Dim sCheckID
Dim sALLidValues

Do While NOT RsData.EOF

sCheckID = Rs(&quot;Status&quot;)Rs(&quot;ID&quot;)

'## When doing looped data
'## Don't switch from html to asp its better on
'## performance if you only do one or the other..
'## Using More response.write's instead of &'s is better
'## On performace as well.

Response.write &quot;<tr>&quot;
Response.write &quot;<td><input type='hidden'&quot;
Response.Write &quot;<td>Status<input type='checkbox' name='chkStatus' value='&quot; 
Response.Write sCheckID 
Response.Write  &quot;'>>/td>&quot;

'# Keep track of all id's
sALLidValues = sALLidValues & sCheckID & &quot; &quot;


'# Write a hidden field somewhere after the above code
'# Put all the check ids in it, Trim out end spaces

Response.Write &quot;<input name='hiddenid' type='hidden'value='&quot; & Trim(sALLidValues) & &quot;'>&quot;

'## Page 2

Dim strChecked, sALLidValues   '2 form fields
Dim strAllIdCheckSplit
Dim strCheckedSplit
Dim strUnchecked

sALLidValues = Request.Form(&quot;hiddenid&quot;)
strChecked = Replace(Request.Form(&quot;chkStatus&quot;),&quot;, &quot;, &quot; &quot;)

strAllIdCheckSplit = Split(sALLidValues, &quot; &quot;)

'# Here we just go through each
'# id in that was displayed and seprate it
'# depending on it was checked or not

For each IdInCheck in strAllIdCheckSplit
   If Instr(strChecked, IdInCheck) > 0 then
	strChecked = strChecked & &quot; &quot; & IdInCheck
	strUnchecked = strUnchecked & &quot; &quot; & IdInCheck
  End If	

strChecked = Replace(Trim(strChecked), &quot; &quot;, &quot;, &quot;)
strUnchecked = Replace(Trim(strUnchecked), &quot; &quot;, &quot;, &quot;)
' strChecked values
' strUnchecked values
' Are now ready for the db...

Good luck!


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