Hi, with the help you provided me, I think my site is great and near the end to be called "website" .
I just want to know everbody's opinion, if you could take the time to look at : and tell me what is great, or wrong, and what should I do to make it better. B-)
I know that in the scroll boxes, the text is unalign, but what is the code in my text variable to make an enter, you know, text="blah bla bla"
The only thing I found was to make spaces! hehe X-)
So that's it, it would be very great to ear feedbacks!
Tnx, ciao
Mike B-)
I just want to know everbody's opinion, if you could take the time to look at : and tell me what is great, or wrong, and what should I do to make it better. B-)
I know that in the scroll boxes, the text is unalign, but what is the code in my text variable to make an enter, you know, text="blah bla bla"
The only thing I found was to make spaces! hehe X-)
So that's it, it would be very great to ear feedbacks!
Tnx, ciao
Mike B-)