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  • Congratulations gkittelson on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!


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Feb 1, 2001
Hi, with the help you provided me, I think my site is great and near the end to be called "website" .

I just want to know everbody's opinion, if you could take the time to look at : and tell me what is great, or wrong, and what should I do to make it better. B-)

I know that in the scroll boxes, the text is unalign, but what is the code in my text variable to make an enter, you know, text="blah bla bla"

The only thing I found was to make spaces! hehe X-)

So that's it, it would be very great to ear feedbacks!

Tnx, ciao
Mike B-)
I'll let it load in the background for a couple of hours (you know the score), but so far>>top marks for the "loading" clip>>>>very nice ;-)

dave dave@davdesign.co.uk

Tnx for your patience dav, hehe don't give up! i know how long is modem speed, i've been on the net for 9 years now, on my 300 bauds...a .txt file could take 5 minutes heheh!

Tnx for your support...

Mike B-)
what size is the movie anyway? And, second comment>>any chance of a teeny-weeny loading bar or %loaded? dave@davdesign.co.uk

Ça s'en vient pas mal!
J'enlèverais les scrollbars dans les fenêtres d'info sur les disques! Avec la même technique: "scroll=no"
J'ajouterais quelques accents dans les textes français, une "¸" et un "l" de moins à Francois Oulllette!
Bien que tu n'as peut-être pas de lettres accentuées dans de ce charactère là!

Je trouve que les textes dans les scroll box défilent un peu trop vite à mon goût... Je passe souvent tout droit! je reviens et je reviens de trop aussi! En remplaçant les rollovers et rollouts par press et release, comme je te l'avais suggéré, ça ne défile qu'une ligne à la fois... et si tu gardes ton doigt enfoncé sur le bouton de la souris, ça défile quand même!

J'étais pas très loin de chez vous hier... À Bromont, chez mon frère! Salut à toute la région de Granby!

Lâches pas!


"Blowin' for stars!"
I would like to make a %loaded, but i don't really know how to, i guess i need to count number of frames and if frame 20 is loaded on a 100 frame movie it's 20/100 load...(how brillant am i *:->* heh) but what exactly are the actions for this, what do i need to make? i've already seen some tutorials about this, but that was an advanced loading bar...so it would be great just to have the percentage with the movie size in K.

Mike B-)
Merci OLD pour tes conseils, je vais travailler la dessus!
Et j'ai été sur la montagne de bromont crier salut de ta part a tout Granby ! %-) ehhe

Mike B-)
You rusing Flash 5 so the best option is to use the getbytesloaded action.

Give me a minute or two, I'll rustle up one for you and post it here, should be a case of you just adding in your movie after it then.

Back in a tick......

dave dave@davdesign.co.uk

getbytesloaded example, just add your movie at the label "site":


ps: for any Brits out there, my flat has just been invaded by a Channel4/E4 film crew and the delectable Donna Aire. If you want to see gullibility at it's best, just tune in in April/May! (I thought it was for charity, honest! ;-) ) dave@davdesign.co.uk

Scuse me dav, but i don't get the idea of your preloader...

Would be great if you could explain me how is it workin' hehe

Tnx in advance.

Mike B-)
OK: The following actions are within the controller movie-clip:

/:loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
/:total = _root.getBytesTotal();
if (Number (/:loaded) == Number (/:total)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("site");

/:percentage2 = (Math.floor(/:loaded /1000))+"K of "+(Math.floor(/:total / 1000))+"K loaded";
setProperty ("_root.bar", _xscale, number((/:loaded) / (/:total)) *100);
setProperty ("_root.bar", _y, "50");

1>>>finds out the number of bytes loaded in the movie so far and assigns the variable '/:loaded' to that value. (note: the presence of "/:" before a variable name means that it is sending this variable to the main timeline)

2>>>finds the toal byte-size of the movie and assigns the variable '/:total' to that value.

3>>>This is the part that tells the maintimeline ("_root") to go to the frame "site" (ie: where I said you should make the starting point of the rest of your movie) when the two aforementioned variables are equal (ie: when your movie is fully loaded)

4>>>This line defines the variable "/:percentage2" which is the variable assigned to the dynamic textbox on the main stage. The actionscript "Math.floor" basically rounds the number down to the nearest integer. I guess you'll be able to figure out the rest of this line for yourself, pretty easy stuff.

5>>>Sets the scale of the loader bar. The loader bar is a movie-clip with instance name "bar" hence "_root.bar" .(If someone reading this has used flash 4 but not 5 too much, then _root is the equivalent of _level0 in flash4, adn basically defines the main timeline.). So this line is basically telling the loader bar to stretch to the defined percentage loaded (which takes the form of the equation (loaded/total)*100 .

6>>>Final line. If you've dragged your loader bar onto the main stage and tested the movie, you'll notice that you get a flicker, where the bar starts at 100% then drops to 0% when the scripting kicks in. In order to prevent this, I drag the bar off the main stage to where it can't be seen in the final movie. This action repositions the loader bar, and because it is the final action, it ensures that no flicker occurs.

There are three objects on the main stage: the loader mc; the control mc (which contains the above actions which loop until the main timeline is sent to "sent"); and the dynamic text box which displays the calculated amount loaded (in K-bytes) against the total movie-Kbyte-size.

I hope that explains everything.

(phew) dave@davdesign.co.uk

tnx again, i guess i'm really anoying with my tnx :p

Mike B-)
no probs, as long as you get it now! ;-)

dave dave@davdesign.co.uk

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