I have a select (<select></select>) element which is populate from the DB, each item has a numeric value.
When I click the preview button the ID gets passed to an iframe.
My question is: How can I check that an item was selected
before I send it to the iFrame ?
Thanks for your time.
"Taxes are the fees we pay for civilized society" G.W.
I have a select (<select></select>) element which is populate from the DB, each item has a numeric value.
When I click the preview button the ID gets passed to an iframe.
My question is: How can I check that an item was selected
before I send it to the iFrame ?
function PreviewItem(){
previewframe.window.location.replace("set_template_preview.asp?ID=" + frm.tid.options[frm.tid.selectedIndex].value);
return false
<input style="width: 150px;" type="Button" value="Preview Template" onclick="return PreviewItem()" />
Thanks for your time.
"Taxes are the fees we pay for civilized society" G.W.