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Check for the existence of a right click menuitem ?

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Mar 26, 2001
For the life of me I cannot work out how to check if a right click menu exists. I have the following code to create & delete one, but what is the code to check if it exists before I delete/create it ?

To create it I use

With Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls.Add(Before:=1, temporary:=True)
.Caption = "Prioritise"
.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!Prioritise"
.BeginGroup = True
End With

To delete it I use


To check for it already being there ???

Any ideas ?
Hi BobHunter,

One way is to search the collection, perhaps with a function ..

Function ControlExists(Menu As String, Caption As String) As Boolean

    Dim ctl As CommandBarControl
    For Each ctl In Application.CommandBars(Menu).Controls
        If ctl.Caption = Caption Then ControlExists = True

End Function

.. and then use the function like ..

If ControlExists("Cell", "Prioritise") Then
 ' Do what you want

this thread might be useful to you

Thanks for all your replies - I have it sorted now.
Thats great you got it working.

it might be helpful to others with similar questions if you post the code that you used that works.
just a thought
Apologies, I should have reposted.

I did NOT find a way to loop through the "Cell" commandbars but rather than checking for the existence of my menu, I just reset it on the Auto_Open/Close to ensure it would not duplicate.

I know this is not the best idea as if I ever write another app that uses the right click menu, it will also wipe out these as well.

Oh well ......

Application.CommandBars("Cell").Enabled = True
Try adding the following line right before your "Delete" command:

On Error Resume Next

This is what I have done with any and all Menu items I have ever created and it works for me.

I hope that this is a better solution for you.

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What I meant is to write this:

On Error Resume Next

This will delete your "Prioritize" Control if it is there and if it isn't it will continue to the next command (in this case "End Sub"

Good Luck!

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