if you are wanting a conditional checkbox on your report, here is a solution that should work for you.
1. Create the formula:
//Where "þ" is under the font Wingdings as ALT+0254 (a checked checkbox),
//and "¨" is under the font Wingdings as ALT+0168 (a blank checkbox).
if {file.field} = 1 then "þ" else "¨"
2. Insert this formula in the section where the checkboxes are required.
3. To get the correct font and character, go to Start | Programs | Accessories | Character Map
and switch the font to Wingdings.
4. Find the checkbox (ALT+0254), highlight and copy it, and then paste it into the formula. The same can be done for the empty checkbox character (ALT+0168).
Note: If the Character Map option is not available under Start | Programs | Accessories, then it was not loaded during the initial installation of Windows. The Character Map is loadable on all platforms of MS Windows, and can be loaded after with the Windows CD.
Simply go to Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs and select Windows Setup. The Character Map option is located under Accessories. Enable this option, select OK and restart your PC.
Hope this helps Eileen McEvoy
Crystal Reports Consultant and Trainer
Hi all:
I ended up inserting a checkon.jpg and a checkoff.jpg suppressing it conditionally depending on whether report field is 0 or 1.
Thanks again
Just to add my two cents, you can also achieve using html formatting. Create formula as shown below, insert into report, right click, format/paragraph formatting and choose HTML.
Cut and paste and you will have it exactly:
if {Table.myfield} = 1
then "<font face = wingdings> þ"
else "<font face = wingdings> o"
//end formula
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