I do little in Acrobat. I am mostly irritated by companies forwarding a non-fillable pdf to me for completion. SO, I convert it to a fillable form and send them a blank fillable and 'suggest' they use it in the future. Anyway, I have a fillable form I created from the Acrobat X wizard. Somewhat logically, Acrobat 'grouped' 6 boxes together (3 Yes, 3 No) so that only 1 of the six boxes can be selected. Each Yes / No is on a separate line (not sure that matters). This is a long form and this has occurred several times but I can't find how to ungroup the boxes (or simply group one set of Yes and No boxes together so checking Yes unchecks No and vice versa). Pretty long question for what I am sure is an easy answer. (I don't find Acrobat's help to be of much help with much of anything.) Thank you. swtrader