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Check a table for correct keywords used in a description

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Aug 16, 2001
I am using Access 97. I am a beginning VBA programer. I have a table that contains 2 fields. 1) Drawing Number 2) Description of that number We are wanting to standardize the description so that certain parts are not described in more than on way. I am looking for the simplest way to do this. Want I want is for this procedure to check the description field in this table and make sure that all the words used match a table containing all the keywords available. After it finds one that does not match i would like it to show the error in the table so it can be changed and then continue looking for more errors.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, doocrazy!

You can try to use function what I wrote.

Example for your table fields:
Me.txtBoxForKeyWords -> text box for key words phrase entering;
cmdSelect -> commandbutton for selection running

Sub cmdSelect_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSelect_Click
Dim strKeyWords As String
Dim strSelectCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim blnIsFound As Boolean

'Get entered phrase
strKeyWords = Me.txtBoxForKeyWords
'Transform entered key words phrase
strSelectCriteria = CriteriaOfKeyWords(strKeyWords, "Description", False)
If strSelectCriteria = "" Then 'Wrong key words phrase
GoTo Exit_cmdSelect_Click
End If
'Compose SQL text
strSQL = "Select DrawingNumber, Description From MyTable "
strWhere = "Where " & strSelectCriteria
strSQL = strSQL & strWhere & ";"

'Check for found records
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
blnIsFound = Not rst.EOF
Set rst = Nothing

If Not blnIsFound Then 'Not found any record
MsgBox "There are not records with your search criterias."
Me.SubForm.Form.FilterOn = False
'Set filter of subform to found key words
Me.SubForm.Form.Filter = strSelectCriteria
Me.SubForm.Form.FilterOn = True
End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error No " & Err.Number & vbLf & Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSelect_Click

End Sub



Public Function CriteriaOfKeyWords(strPhrase As String, _
strFieldName As String, _
Optional ExactPhrase As Boolean = False) As String
'This function transforms Key Words Phrase
'to phrase with asterisks and field name
'as well as criteria's parameter "Like"
'Optional ExactPhrase -> True if it's needed to find whole phrase
'If is omited ExactPhrase then all words is found
'strFieldName -> Field name in what it's needed words to find

Dim strCriteria As String
Dim n As Integer

'Remove spaces from start and from end of key words phrase
strPhrase = Trim(strPhrase)
If ExactPhrase = True Then 'Whole phrase
CriteriaOfKeyWords = strFieldName & " Like '*" & strPhrase & "*'"
n = InStr(1, strPhrase, " ", vbTextCompare)
If n = 0 Then
strCriteria = strCriteria & strPhrase & "*'"
GoTo FinishOfCompose
End If
'Look for spaces in phrase
'and change its to asterisk
'add field name and param "Like"

n = InStr(1, strPhrase, " ", vbTextCompare)
If n > 0 Then
If strCriteria <> &quot;&quot; Then
strCriteria = strCriteria & &quot; Or &quot; & strFieldName & &quot; Like '*&quot;
End If
strCriteria = strCriteria & Left(strPhrase, n - 1) & &quot;*'&quot;
strPhrase = Trim(Mid(strPhrase, n))
If strPhrase <> &quot;&quot; Then
If strCriteria <> &quot;&quot; Then
strCriteria = strCriteria & &quot; Or &quot; & strFieldName & &quot; Like '*&quot;
End If
strCriteria = strCriteria & strPhrase & &quot;*'&quot;
End If
Exit Do
End If
If strCriteria <> &quot;&quot; Then
strCriteria = strFieldName & &quot; Like '*&quot; & strCriteria ' & &quot;*'&quot;
End If
CriteriaOfKeyWords = strCriteria
End If

End Function

?CriteriaOfKeyWords(&quot;Find key words&quot;,&quot;Description&quot;)
..... Description Like '*Find*' Or Description Like '*key*' Or Description Like '*words*'

?CriteriaOfKeyWords(&quot;Find key words&quot;,&quot;Description&quot;,True)
..... Description Like '*Find key words*'



That seems o.k. now where do i put all this information at?
Creta textbox on form and simply change your desctiption manually or by VBA codes, or by update query.

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Part and Inventory Search

