I am back again...
Now I am charting data. In my report I have the top ten issues shown broken down by the four products offered. I then have caculated the % of those calls based on total number of calls we have. So in my chart I want to show the top ten problems with each problem broken down by product *currently the chart is stacked which is what I want* but I also want to plot a either a point or line for that problems % of calls on a secondary axis. The chart expert is somewhat complicate to understand.
Now I am charting data. In my report I have the top ten issues shown broken down by the four products offered. I then have caculated the % of those calls based on total number of calls we have. So in my chart I want to show the top ten problems with each problem broken down by product *currently the chart is stacked which is what I want* but I also want to plot a either a point or line for that problems % of calls on a secondary axis. The chart expert is somewhat complicate to understand.