I have a constant value {@limit} that is placed in chart. I need to be able to show a daily running total of this in the same chart but can't see how.
i.e. day1 1000
day2 2000
day3 3000
In the chart, in the data tab choose the advanced option. On change of the day field, show @limit. You can click on day field and add it easily. When you click on on @limit the arrow to add it to the right column is not highlighted. Just click on it and drag it to the show data column. Hope this helps.
I have @limit in the chart already but it is just a flat line ie
day1 1000
day2 1000
day3 1000
when I use the summary check button i should get a straight line with an upward trend however, I get a very strange looking result with the data line going all over the place.
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