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changing values in datagrid

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Mar 3, 2003

i have a form in which i have a text box & a datagrid. the datagrid contains feilds such as code,name etc. the text box is made for entering code numbers. my purpose is that whenever i enter any code number in the text box, the datagrid should display codes only like those entered in the text box. i have done it this way:

SQL = "select * from M_EMPLOYEE where NAME like '" & Me.txt_empcode.Text & "*' "

Me.Adodc1.recordsource = sql

but this is not working , please help
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No, it doesn't look like you are doing this correctly.
When you change a text field, then change the recordset field also, or better, when the user clicks update, then change the recordset:

Text1.Text = "123"

Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("FieldName1"),Value = Text1.Text

Once all fields are ready to be updated, use:

The grid should then also be automatically updated.


thanks for your help. i tried it but as far as i can understand it, it will change the already existing value of the particular field in the table. this i do not want.
i want to show the values which already exist in the table.
these values should be somewhat like the value entered in the text box.
if i am wrong please correct me & explain your procedure.



Either requery the recordset with Adodc1.Recordset.Requery (first changing sql criteria and setting the Me.Adodc1.recordsource = sql again), or use a client side cursor and then the Filter method of ADO:

Adodc1.Recordset.Filter "Name= '" & Me.txt_empcode.Text & "'"

thanks a lot. but this is not helping in any way. let me tell u that i have done the same thing earlier also. then i had back- end as access & i used dao. now i have back-end as oracle & i am using ado. does this make any difference. if yes then what. if no then is there any other way to do this.

I don what problem actually u r facing. it might be wildcard character problem. replace * with %. if it doesn't work plz let us know what problem u r having
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