I listen to BBC Radio 4 in the mornings on the way to work. It's generally quite interesting. I'm no old fart but I really can't stand commercial radio.
One thing that happens a lot on R4 are lots and lots of guest speakers. They all vary in qualification, stature, age, and opinion. Since listening to a lot of these people speak on a range of topics which relate to the topic that might be being reported on in the news for example, one thing you hear a lot of is "I think."
Now, many of these guest speakers are supposed have some authority on the subjects they have been asked to talk about. In my view, when these guests use "I think" at the beginning of each new sentence, to me this comes across as opinion rather than facts or an objective view on the subject.
What could we change "I think" to? Can we just get rid of it?
It's a bit like someone saying "Umm" at the beginning of each sentence. Is it a pause to allow for thought or is it a licence to allow for waffle and fact-less speculation?
General Geek

One thing that happens a lot on R4 are lots and lots of guest speakers. They all vary in qualification, stature, age, and opinion. Since listening to a lot of these people speak on a range of topics which relate to the topic that might be being reported on in the news for example, one thing you hear a lot of is "I think."
Now, many of these guest speakers are supposed have some authority on the subjects they have been asked to talk about. In my view, when these guests use "I think" at the beginning of each new sentence, to me this comes across as opinion rather than facts or an objective view on the subject.
What could we change "I think" to? Can we just get rid of it?
It's a bit like someone saying "Umm" at the beginning of each sentence. Is it a pause to allow for thought or is it a licence to allow for waffle and fact-less speculation?
General Geek