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Changing Password(Urgent Please)

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Jul 12, 2000
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Hi All,<br>I am trying to write a program to change the User Password information. I am not getting any errore but the password change dosen't work. I mean new password is not updated in the database. Please suggest me if i am wrong with the code. <br><br>&lt;CFQUERY NAME=&quot;GetPassword&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;PostYourHome&quot;&gt;<br> SELECT Password <br> FROM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sellers<br> WHERE&nbsp;&nbsp;Password='#Password#' and<br> UserName='%#Client.UserName#%'<br>&lt;/CFQUERY&gt;<br><br>&lt;CFIF GetPassword.recordcount EQ 0&gt;<br> <br>&lt;CFQUERY NAME=&quot;DeleteOldPassword&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;PostYourHome&quot;&gt;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Delete From Sellers<br> Where Password = '#Password#' and <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;UserName='%#Client.UserName#%'<br>&lt;/CFQUERY&gt;<br><br>&lt;CFQUERY NAME=&quot;PutNewPassword&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;PostYourHome&quot;&gt;<br> UPDATE Sellers<br> SET Password = '#NewPassword#'<br> Where UserName='%#Client.UserName#%'<br>&lt;/CFQUERY&gt;<br> <br>&lt;cfoutput&gt; Mr.#Client.UserName# Your Password is Updated. &lt;/cfoutput&gt; <br>&lt;/cfif&gt;<br><br>
you are asking if record count eq 0 in the if statement shouldn't it be Not Equal 0<br><br> <p>Dave Joyce<br><a href=mailto:DaveJoyce@hotmail.com>DaveJoyce@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
There is no need to run a DELETE if you are running an UPDATE.&nbsp;&nbsp;Just find the record that you want to update and have it replace the old password with the new password.&nbsp;&nbsp;You are misunderstanding the power of just using the update.&nbsp;&nbsp;also look at davejouce's responce.&nbsp;&nbsp;You are only updating if the record is not there.&nbsp;&nbsp;How are you going to update anything if the recordcount is 0?
Hi <br>Thanks for ur replies on the password change thing...<br>I got the password change thing done and I'm breaking my head against a wall on the Editing User Information form.<br>I want to get the record values in the form.<br>I tried both VALUE=&quot;#SellerFirstName#&quot; and VALUE=&quot;#GetUserInfo.SellerFirstName#&quot; <br><br>But still all i get in the form is #GetUserInfo.SellerFirstName# instead of the LastName(Potineni). <br><br>&lt;CFQUERY DATASOURCE=&quot;PostYourHome&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;NAME=&quot;GetUserInfo&quot;&gt;<br>&nbsp;SELECT *<br>&nbsp;FROM Sellers <br>&nbsp;WHERE UserName = '#Client.UserName#' <br>&lt;/CFQUERY&gt;<br><br>&lt;cfoutput&gt;#GetUserInfo.SellerFirstName#&lt;/cfoutput&gt;<br><br>&lt;CFOUTPUT QUERY=&quot;GetUserInfo&quot;&gt;<br><br>&lt;FONT size=4&gt;Editing the information of &lt;STRONG&gt;#Client.UserName#&lt;/CFOUTPUT&gt;<br>&lt;CFFORM action=&quot;ChangeContactInfoAction.cfm&quot; method=&quot;post&quot;&gt;&lt;/STRONG&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/P&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>&lt;INPUT name=&quot;SellerFirstName&quot; VALUE=&quot;#SellerFirstName#&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;size=&quot;25&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;maxlength=&quot;25&quot;&gt;<br><br><br>Please help me with this. <br>Thanks <br>Praveen <br>
Hi All,<br>I got the user information update thing this morning. It was simple, i was missing the &lt;cfoutput&gt; tag while displaying &quot;#GetUserInfo.SellerFirstName#&quot;.<br><br>VALUE=&lt;cfoutput&gt;&quot;#GetUserInfo.SellerFirstName#&quot;&lt;/cfoutput&gt;<br><br>Thanks for all the suggestion ya'll gave me.<br>Praveen
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