We have a Nortel/Norstar Flash voicemail system that was installed in Summer 2002 - it was the vendor's first and last time implementing this kind of system, and he is useless to me now for support. I'm not sure of the version of software, but if you tell me where to look, I'll find it for you. My problem is this: I have two mailboxes that need to have their names changed. I have done this through the admin, and the new names are displayed correctly in the admin menu, as well as on their individual phone displays when they login to their voicemail... however, when they call other people's extensions over intercom, the old, incorrect name is still displayed. Any ideas???
Thanks in advance!
We have a Nortel/Norstar Flash voicemail system that was installed in Summer 2002 - it was the vendor's first and last time implementing this kind of system, and he is useless to me now for support. I'm not sure of the version of software, but if you tell me where to look, I'll find it for you. My problem is this: I have two mailboxes that need to have their names changed. I have done this through the admin, and the new names are displayed correctly in the admin menu, as well as on their individual phone displays when they login to their voicemail... however, when they call other people's extensions over intercom, the old, incorrect name is still displayed. Any ideas???
Thanks in advance!