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Changing Default Viewer

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Dec 20, 2001
Is there an easy way to change the default viewer that is used for new users? I want to make the ActiveX viewer the default for any new user rather then the DHTML which is currently being set. I would also like to change the default folder for new users from Favorites to Public.

Where are these defaults set?
I have this exact question into support. I will let you know if they send me back any answer besides "go to settings and change it"

If you're using ePortfolio, you can modify the .csp files. Unfortunately, I can't remember which one right now and I'm out of the office until Tuesday. I'll provide the exact change when I get back.

On a side note, I'm contemplating writing a FAQ on ePortfolio changes that I've had to implement for my client. I've got a laundry list that include:[ul][li]Setting the default viewer to ActiveX[/li][li]creating a SSOlogon.csp form[/li][li]Modifying the 'Cancel' link on the Logon Screen - why on earth would it take an end-user back to launchpad? Now it closes the window.[/li][li]Removing the hyperlink on the report preview image - it works great when a user has run privileges, but if they don't it returns a nasty error message. Rather than mess with the code further, I just removed the hyperlink so the user has to use the dropdown list.[/li][/ul]There are many more minor changes I've implemented in order to make ePortfolio a little more friendly.
Please let me know on Tuesday where to change it. I am using ePortfolio. I looked in the Settings.csp page but have yet to learn where it is setting the default for new users.

Also, I ran into the same issue with the preview button. I would appreciate a copy of your fix for that.

I have also made similar changes, such as log off sending me back to my companies Intranet pages and removing the sign up new users on the log in form, etc.

I have also just done this for a client. All I can say is that ePortfolio is a tangled web of code and thing reside in the most unlikely places.

The short answer is that user settings are managed by cookies and one of the .CSP modules has a line of code that sets the default values for a user if it is the first time that user logs on to CE using that particular PC.

I will post the modification later today when I return to the client's site and have access to the CE server.
You need to search (Control+F) logon.csp for 'ePortfolio_vwr=1'. Change the setting to '0' and you will default to the ActiveX Viewer.

Regarding the Preview picture, in available.csp search for 'PREVIEW IMAGE AND ACTION SELECT MENU'. Simply delete the following tags from the javascript:

<a href='javascript:ShowReportPreview();'>...</a>

The end result be:
If( dv(SETTING_THUMBNAIL) = 1 ) Then
	Response.Write &quot;<img src='&quot; & GetLinkPath() & &quot;images/nopreview.gif' name='previewimage' border='1' width='160' alt='&quot; & L_THUMBNAIL_TEXT & &quot;'>&quot;
End If

This will eliminate the users' ability to run the report by clicking on the Preview Picture.

Hope this helps!

I look forward to your FAQ. I would like to make some more minor modifactions to eportfolio to make it a little more friendly.

Keep us &quot;Posted&quot;.......

The ePortfolio user settings are stored in a number of browser cookies of the client machine. The default settings (i.e the setting a user gets if that user has not logged in to ePortfolio on that PC before) is coded in the &quot;logon.csp&quot; file in the function &quot;GetDesktopSettings&quot;.

I have pasted a copy of the relevant lines of code below. The defaults in this file are the one used by my client.

Function GetDesktopSettings(SessionObj)
strDesktopSettings = &quot;ePortfolio_view=0&ePortfolio_csn=0&ePortfolio_vwm=0&ePortfolio_dv0=1&ePortfolio_dv1=1&ePortfolio_dv2=1&ePortfolio_dv3=1&ePortfolio_dv4=1&ePortfolio_cbr=0&ePortfolio_vwr=0&ePortfolio_rpp=6&ePortfolio_expo=0&ePortfolio_zone=46084&quot;

End Function

The &quot;strDesktopSettings&quot; string decodes as follows:

eportfolio_view=n - Initial View (0 = Top Level Folder / -2 = Specific Folder / -1 = Favourites)

eportfolio_csn=n - Colour Scheme (0 = Default / 1 = Water / 2 = Fire / 3 = Wood / 4 = Earth / 5 = Metal)

eportfolio_vwm=n - View Mode (0 = Single Browser / 1 = Multiple Browsers)

eportfolio_dv0=n - Report Desctiption (0 = Hide / 1 = Show)

eportfolio_dv1=n - Report Author (0 = Hide / 1 = Show)

eportfolio_dv2=n - Report Date (0 = Hide / 1 = Show)

eportfolio_dv3=n - Report Thumbnail (0 = Hide / 1 = Show)

eportfolio_dv4=n - Report Instance Count (0 = Hide / 1 = Show)

eportfolio_cbr=n - Top-Level Folder Bar (0 = Hide / 1 = Show)

eportfolio_vwr=n - Default Report Viewer (0 = Active-X / 1 = DHTML / 2 = HTML / 3 = Java Viewer / 4 = Jav Plug-In Viewer / 5 = Navigator Plug-In Viewer)

eportfolio_rpp=n - Reports Per Page ( 2, 4, 6, 8, etc must be multiple of 2)

eportfolio_expo=n - Export Format (0 = Crystal Reports / 1 = MS Excel / 2 = MS Word / 3 = Adobe Acrobat / 4 = Rich Text Format / 5 = Text)

eportfolio_zone=n - Time Zone (Refer to settings.csp for details of code number to represent specific time zones)

To set the defualts for a user modify the values for eac setting the &quot;strDesktopSettings=...&quot; line accordingly.

To set the default VIEWER for Guest Users is a little more difficult because ePortfolio treats Guest Users differently. CD knowledge base has an article which describes the few small changes that need to be made to a couple of CSP files.

I hope this helps.
The Crystal Decisions Knowledge Base article id is c2009267 - &quot;How to change the default viewer used by the Guest account in ePortfolio&quot;. There are 4 files you need to change.

I would also love to see this FAQ. I just installed CE yesterday, and have lots of questions... for instance why doesn't the DHTML viewer have a print button? Did I mess something up, or did someone really decide that a report viewer doesn't need print functionality?

So I can tell that I will need to modify ePortfolio in order for it to meet our needs... any help from this group is much appreciated!
Hi Again,

Steve, thanks, that'll sure help. Does anyone know how to change the order of the &quot;View, Schedule, History,...&quot; drop down box beneath the &quot;Preview&quot;? I would like &quot;History&quot; to be the default.

Hi Nuff,

That's one of the next items I need to play with. I'd be thrilled if anybody else could save me the trouble;-).
Hi Rhinok,

So I went to CD to see if they could help us out. They sent me a sample of available.csp which supposedly reorders 2 of the 4 options in the dropdown box.

The word doc is to large to post here, and, as I'm no programmer, I don't know where the modification would start or end. If you're still interested let me know and I can forward you the code.

On the Crystal support site, search for Article ID c2009267, &quot;How to change the default viewer used by the Guest account in ePortfolio&quot;. It will step you through some edits for Alerts.csp, Available.csp, History.csp, and Reportviewer.csp.
Can someone give a hint on what code needs to be modified to reorder the dropdown list beneath the &quot;Preview&quot;? I have made some modifications to the pages already; however, I would like to reverse the &quot;History&quot; and &quot;View Latest Instance&quot; options. For my users who have view only access they would like to see the Latest Instance option as the default. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for the update. Could you please forward the document to me at rhinok@hotmail.msn.com?

I don't know how much good it will do, but I'd like to see the code.

Thank you very much!
Hi Nuff,

I saw your posting regarding the reversal of some of the options in the dropdown. Could you forward me the code at khartman@hns.com
FYI, I tested the available.csp code changes that CD sent to Nuffsaid. The code change allows one to reorder the Report Action list. I was able to successfully swap 'View Latest Instance' with 'View' in the action list.

There is one major caveat, however. The code change only works if both of the Action Items ('View' and 'View Latest Instance' in this case) would normally be available. If there aren't any instances then there is no 'View' option (because I swapped it with 'View Latest Instance'). I tested this issue further by swapping 'View' and 'History'. When both of these actions are available, the code works. When the user doesn't have Run privileges and View isn't an available option the code doesn't work.

The bottom line is that this code is only a portion of what is needed to successfully reorder the action list. Code will probably also need to be added to actionscripts.csp, since the action ids and javascripts are declared there. I wouldn't implement this code change to available.csp unless you figure out the rest of the necessary script changes.
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