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Changing business status remotely

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Oct 15, 2009
Hi all, back at it again,

I have a customer that wants to change the status of their business remotely. The book I have says to "refer to the CallPilot Reference Guide" well, I looked in the CallPilot Reference Guide and it doesn't mention it at all.

No worries though as I figured it out by dialing in remotely and getting access to the system manager mailbox. There is only an option to make the business open or closed or to change the company greeting.

Is there a way to have it play a different company greeting (one that says they are closed due to bad weather) or would they have to re-record the main company greeting?

Setting the status seems to be simple enough, but I'm unsure if it will be what they want (ie closed due to weather instead of being after hours)

I do know we can set which company greeting remotely through the web interface of the CallPilot, but I would prefer not to give them such access.

Thank you,

Thanks for the idea Curlycord, but I don't think it will be what they are looking for.

ie. if they record a weather closing message for non-business hours, then someone calling in will get that message instead of it saying that they are closed. It's possible to make it appear one minute before they open, but someone could still hear that message and be under the impression that they are closed when they are not.

At the moment I'm not seeing a solution that fits the bill.



Confused, but still saying my answer above is your fix....not an idea.

If you close the business then you here the non business(winter) greeting #4

If you dont close the busness then you hear your normal closed greeting.

Hmm, maybe I'm confused, wouldn't be the first time.

The Greeting Table has 4 time slots, Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Non Business. My documentation doesn't say you can leave the time blank and not have it do anything.

As it stands now they are open at 8am and close at 5pm, they only use two greetings, #1 for open and #2 for closed. From 8am to 5pm it plays greeting #1, and from 5pm to 8am it plays greeting #2. At the moment the Non Business time is set at 5:30pm, but it is playing greeting #2 If I make a new greeting #3 for weather closing and put it for non business hours then someone calling in after 5:30pm will hear greeting #3.

As I mentioned I could make it come on at 7:59am (or possible 8:00am, hmmm, that may solve it right there if the system allows that) as someone calling at 7:59am would get the weather closed message instead of the regular closed message.

If they are going to be closed due to wheather and you want the non bussiness to play after hours then rerecord remotly greeting #1 for the wheather and from 8 am to 5 pm it will play untill you rerecord grt # 1 to be what it was before.
You can only record over what is in the table you can not replace. Only if you do VPN to the call pilot interface.
Try the following. This will work if you are using 2 normal greetings, 1 for open, and 1 for closed.

Set morning start time to 12 am, play closed message.
Set afternoon start time to 8 am( or whatever time location opens), play open message.
Set evening start time to 5 pm(or whatever time location closes), play closed message.
Set non-business start time to 11:59 pm, play special message.

For 1 minute daily, people calling in will hear the special message. Your open message will play correctly, as will the closed, minue that 1 minute. The user can then dial into the system and set business to closed to force special message to play until business is opened again. For the weekends, if site is closed, I would do Morning 12 am, Afternoon 12 am, Evening 12:01 am, non business 11:59 pm.
I have a customer requesting to do the same on a CallPilot vers.

How do you call in and get the options to change business status. I'm familiar with the clock settings but I'm unable to log-in to the admin mailbox remotely.

Thanks for your help.
Thanks all for the help, I think Dwpoole is on the right track, it is a little goofy as your basically time shifting the greetings, but it would work nonetheless.

Just to try it out I may set the non business start hour as the same as the morning hour. I'm thinking the morning hour time will take precedence over the non business hour. Documentation says you can set all of the greetings for the same time without conflict.


When you dial in remotely press ** to access the mailbox's, then enter 102 and the password for mailbox 102 and #. from there on it will prompt you how to change the status.

You just need to look at my first post.

As long as you have the business in a closed state then that greeting will play no matter what times you set.
No need to make it complicated.

Thank you curlycord for your insight, I'm not trying to make it complicated as it does need to be as simple as possible.

It would be nice if there was a fifth option that could be played not related to a time in the greeting table.

I would much rather have the option of having the business be open or closed for weather only.

Sure, they could record a weather message for the non business hours and close the business. But when they re-open someone will have to remember to re-record the non business greeting to just say they are closed.

Closing should be ok as I think they would customize the non business greeting each time they close, re-recoding the non business greeting when they re-open is my concern. Since if they do not, it will play the non business greeting (which says they are closed due to the weather) until the morning greeting takes over.

Your evening greeting #2 should play all night.
Non business should only play when you close the business.

All you need to do is open the business remotely or on site via F982.

Do yourself a favor/test
Setup Evening Greeting # 2 to play at 5:30, setup Non-Business Greeting #4 to play at 5:35
Now call in at 5:40 and tell me what you here.
If you here #2 then you have nothing to worry about.

As far as a know what you described you want is already whats is there.
The only exception is at deafult the settings are as:
Evening 6pm
Non-Business 6pm
If you leave it as is then Evening is not played but soon as you play with the times i.e change evening to 5:30 then it should work like you want it.

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