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Changes on ADI licensing? 2

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Sep 1, 2003
Hi all,

Our distributor informed us that Avaya made changes on ADI licensing few months ago.
If we move license(s) from Feature Key A to Feature Key B, only moved licenses (from A) are now on Feature Key B - all previous licenses on Feature Key B are deleted from Avaya database.

Is that true?


This has always been that way.
First order and commit the migration of license and when completed order additional licenses.
You cannot migrate licenses from one dongle to a dongle which already has licenses attached.
Your distri should know that as it is that way from day 1 when the licensing was introduced.
ADI cannot cope with it.
I would disagree, you certainly CAN transfer licenses from one dongle to another dongle that has existing licenses, I have done that several times. when you do, the SD card/feature key the license that were transferred from has to be sent back to Avaya.
Thank you both for quick reply.
We've done several transfers of ADI licenses (procedure described by gknight1) over the past years and never had issue like that. until now.
FK 1330564742 should have 29 licenses in total. Distributer says that now is only one (Voicemail PRO that was transfered). can anyone check that if possible?

Yep that feature key just has a VM Pro Licence on it.

You can definitely transfer licences from one key to another if the second one has licences on it already, we do that all the time as always seem to have licences in stock. What you do need then though is another blank feature key that all the licences you are not moving to the second one can be transferred to, so that the first one can be sent back.

Feature Key A - where licences are
Feature Key B - where licences are being moved to
Feature Key C - Where licences not moving from A to B are to be moved to.


So all previous licences on 1330564742 are "lost" or what? Can this be reversed somehow?
We always used two SD cards for transfering licenses. The one that was transferred from we cut in half and sent picture of it to distributor. worked well until now...
Your procedure involves 3 SD cards which is new to me.

thanks in advance...

If you are mobing all licences from A to B, then C is not needed. If you want to move some from A to B, then C is needed to take the ones not moving to B.

The only licences that should be "lost" are ones that are no longer valid in any way shape or form.

I think you need to complain to your BP now.

2 Rules to remember in swapping licenses....

A - If you are swapping from A - SOURCE to B - TARGET and want all the licenses on A to be available on B ... then B has to be a "new" or blank dongle - SD card etc. Even END OF SALE EOS licenses will be moved to B.

B - If you are moving and splitting licenses between A and B - C Dongles-SD cards etc .... NO EOS licenses (licenses that are no longer sold thru Avaya distributors) will be moved to the new TARGET dongles - B - C ...

Hope that helps.
Very odd we are getting two different responses. Some say you can transfer to a dongle with pre-existing licenses and others are saying you can't. I do not handle ordering/transferring licenses but I was told by our guy that you have to have a new dongle with no licenses to transfer. I know we have at least one person on this forum who works for Avaya maybe he can verify what kind of rules/stipulations are involved or is some kind of regional/country thing or what?

The truth is just an excuse for lack of imagination.
Critchey .... please reread my response above ...

You CAN swap licenses from a Sourece dongle (A) to a Target Dongle (B) or Multiples ....

The issue is ... Avaya will only swap IPO licenses that are active in their system for sale ... NO EOS licenses .... they drop off and won't transfer ....

NOTE: This is only if you are transferring to a (B) Dongle that already has licenses...
Ya I read your response. Did you read mine?

critchey said:
Some say you can transfer to a dongle with pre-existing licenses and others are saying you can't

You are one of the ones saying you can. intrigrant says you can't and I have been told you can't. It almost seems like some distris allow it and some don't maybe that is the disconnect.
I have been told by my supplier that you can't migrate licenses to a dongle unless the receiving dongle is unused. We have had to return a few dongles because the ordering person go a license on the dongle before migrating the existing ones on an upgrade from V1 to V2.
The form provided by our distributor clearly shows the process for moving all licenses to a single target, and a different process for splitting licenses between targets. We have indeed split licenses - not often, but enough to know that it can be done. The process as described on our distributor's form matches the description set forth by DTGMI.

Mike Forrence
Well based on this thread it sure seems like it can be done but some distris either do not know how to do it or simply will not do it for some reason. Very interesting.

The truth is just an excuse for lack of imagination.
The form provided by our distributor clearly shows the process for moving all licenses to a single target, and a different process for splitting licenses between targets."

We use this form (or a similar one) so you can put me in the "can do it" camp.

not arrogant, just succinct.
It certainly can be done, tell them to stop being obstructive and/or lazy :)
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