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Change time 4

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Technical User
Feb 8, 2007
Is there a way to change the time on the phone switch? All our phones are 5 minutes fast.

ld 2
ttad (tell time and date)
stad (set time and date)

john poole
bellsouth business
and either a system type or maybe phone type could narrow that down

john poole
bellsouth business
glad you did a search, most do not

john poole
bellsouth business
Hi All,

Is there a program out there that will allow me to automate the time change via LD2

I understand that according to Symantec Procomm is not a supported program nor do they supply it any longer (since 2002) so rather than rely on a program with limited life I wondered if there was anything else out there. I am using Terraterm to access the system but need something that will schedule a change to the time everyday. It's all to do with syncronising with CCMS, CCMA and ewfm etc...

Cheers Scratchy
Scratchy, folks around here have been using Procomm for ages in spite of it not being supported for ages. There's not much updating or support that it really needs. I found an old Symantec suite disc here at work that happened to include Procomm (And I know for a fact it came with something else we bought a long time ago and was never installed anywhere else) so I threw it on my OTM machine (Windows XP Pro) and haven't looked back. It doesn't hurt my feelings that it's no longer supported. ;-)

And besides, you have the best support imaginable just a click away here at Tek-Tips - not to mention a ton of scripts for the asking. I trust these guys a ton more than I would anyone at Symantec. (No offense to Symantec intended. Well, not much)
Procomm is the most people supported program I have ever seen, I have been using Procomm since the DOS days and it is still the best program around.

You stated that you run a script in a former post (thread798-1265864)to keep the time within desent thresholds. Any chance can you help me out please
I use remote CRT from Vandyke. Not used as much as Procomm but my company wanted me using a supported applications. Work well and I have created a script for the time.

RE: automating Teraterm:

It's a bit dated, but you may want to try this branch

It can actually be reached via the network, if you wish and has automation facilities too.

On a (remotely) related question, what are other people using for a terminal emulator under Linux? I have had luck using GNU screen. For automation, one could launch an expect script to automate just about anything. From cron, launching the expect script within a screen session would give you the best of both worlds, full unattended operation, logs if you want them, and still have the ability to "attach" to a running session if there is something that needs manual intervention.

 set txpace 30	
   transmit "****^M"
   waitfor ">"
   transmit "john^M"
   transmit "****^M"
   waitfor ">"
   transmit "logi xxxxxx^M"
   pause 1
   transmit "xxxxx^M"
   mspause 50
   call myproc
   waitfor ">"
proc myproc   
integer iDay, iMonth, iYear, iMin, iHour, iSec
string sSend
   ltimeints $LTIME iYear iMonth iDay iHour iMin iSec
   strfmt sSend "STAD %02d %02d %d %02d %02d %02d" iDay iMonth iYear iHour iMin iSec
   set txpace 30
   transmit "****^M"
   waitfor ">"
   transmit "ld 2^M"
   waitfor "."
   transmit "TTAD^M"
   waitfor "."
   transmit sSend
   transmit "^M"
   waitfor "."
   transmit "****^M"

  been a while since i posted this one.. the only reason i opened this post was to see why stad was at reply 14. that one takes time and date off of your pc.. then use network time sync behind that if you need network sync.. i use that one to login every morming, this room is very secure and the pc is password protected.. you can rem out the logi portion, or end with a log out.. the transmit "john^M" logs out any switch

john poole
bellsouth business
Many Thanks all for your replies and especially JohnPoole for your very quick response
Thought I'd throw in the script that I use to set the time on my systems.
With NTP enabled on the PC and the variable timeDelta correctly
adjusted, it will keep the switches spot on time ;-)
;Set date and time plus check DST.
; Works best if you have NTP enabled on this PC.

proc main
 integer iDay, iMonth, iYear, iMin, iHour, iSec, TimeDelta
   string DMYHMS
   TimeDelta=6  ; Approx delay in script....
   set txpace 75
   Transmit "****^M"
   waitfor ">"
   transmit "LD 2^M"
   waitfor "."
   termwrites "System time before adjusting:`n`r"
   pause 2
   transmit "TTAD^M"
   waitfor "."
   ; Calculate date and time string.
   ltimeints $LTIME iYear iMonth iDay iHour iMin iSec
   ; Adjust for delay in script.
   if iSec>60      ; Seconds must not be greater that 60.
     if iMin>60    ; Minutes must not be greater that 60.
   ; Put the parts together.
   strfmt DMYHMS "STAD %02d %02d %d %02d %02d %02d^M" iDay iMonth iYear iHour iMin iSec

   ; and send it to the switch
   transmit DMYHMS
   waitfor "."
   pause 6
   termwrites "System time after adjusting:`n`r"
   pause 1
   transmit "TTAD^M"
   waitfor "."
   pause 1
   termwrites "This is the current DST settings: `n`r"
   pause 1
   transmit "TDST^M"
   waitfor "."
   pause 1
   transmit "****^M"
Hope this also can be of interrest to someone.

Hi All,

Do these scripts run with a particular application, i.e Procomm Plus etc.

JP's Runs on Procomm for sure and the other one probably does to.

Why change the engine if all you need is to change the spark plugs.

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