How can you change the line delimiter that vba uses for the “read line” command? I am trying to read data files generated in a Unix environment, which only uses LF, not the CRLF that VBA is looking for.
Open FPath For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, Single_Line
Close #1
Unix uses only a LF (Chr 10), which is not recognized by VBA as a line brake. When this code runs, it only takes 1 pass to read the entire file. The working solution I have now is to pass the line through a "Split" function (Too bad one does already not exist in Excel 97 VBA). Other solutions would be to pass the data files through a "Unix2Dos" command on the Unix boxes, but this is undesirable due to the large number of files I am working with. Plus, I would just like to know if it is possible to change the line delimiter. (Or maybe I got spoiled with AWK).
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