We here use a ticket system through the Help Desk. The users can also open tickets through a web page. Us techs get the tickets and work them FIFO (First In First Out). Works well.
It's about the same thing here as Ed has stated. Call in or email their request to us. We handle repairs the first part of the day and new installs the rest. Before we go home we make sure that all repairs are done and everything is fixed.
We have an electronic ticket that my administrative person does and hands these to the guys. When they are finished she goes back in and closes the ticket. This gives us some sort of tracking mechanism.
Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.
Thomas A. Edison
For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594
We make notes on the tickets for admin type stuff(change cover paths from this to this,added to pickup group ??, that sort of thing). The techs come back in and change the cable records on the station forms when they are through. On something that we have to made a great deal of changes to (ACD hunts, major moves, adding new buildings) then we will screen print what needs to be done or what we have to do.
On our tickets we put all the information that the tech would need to do whatever to the set.
Set type
extension number
contact person
room number
Comments section whit a description of what the problem is with the set or if it needs to move from this room to this room.
Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.
Thomas A. Edison
For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594
"Do you keep copies of screen prints say before and after the change?"
I do exactly this. I have an Excel spreadsheet with the change requested, the impact it has, who requested it, when it was completed. I take a screen shot (I use .mdi but .pdf will work too) of the before and after, put it into one file, and then provide a link to it from within the spreadsheet. That way I can search for changes referencing VDNs, vectors, cors, whatever in the spreadsheet and then quickly find the screen prints.
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