We have an (866) number that is routed to extension 141, which is covered by a few MLX-10P phones. I'm told that it is a DID. Is changing the extension these calls are routed to a simple process in the System Program menu? Could you tell me how? Which manual should I be looking in?
The manual I have is MERLIN LEGEND® Communications System
Release 5.0 Installation 555-650-140 Comcode 108005729. I was unable to locate the information in here.
We have a Model 511A Control Unit with a 403J Basic Carrier and a 403K Expansion Carrier.
The manual I have is MERLIN LEGEND® Communications System
Release 5.0 Installation 555-650-140 Comcode 108005729. I was unable to locate the information in here.
We have a Model 511A Control Unit with a 403J Basic Carrier and a 403K Expansion Carrier.