I have this procedure which works well. My issue is I also want the records where the the cross apply doesn't find anything. I tried to re-write as a left outer join but can't seem to get it right. Can somebody point me in the right direction? What I am looking for is the current PlateNbr information and the most recent previous PlateNBr information based on the DateOn. But there may not be a previous entry.
Sylvania/Toledo Ohio
select UP.PlateNbr, UP.UnitMasterFK, ds.PlateNbr, ds.UnitMasterFK, ds.Unit
from unitplate UP
cross apply
(select top 1 UP2.PlateNbr, UP2.UnitMasterFK, Um.Unit
from unitplate UP2
INNER JOIN UnitMaster UM ON UP2.UnitMasterFK = UM.UnitMasterPK
where UP2.PlateNbr = UP.PlateNbr and UP2.UnitPlatePK <> UP.UnitPlatePK
order by DateOn desc) ds
where UP.daterequest > '20180328' and UP.PlateNbr='488444'
Sylvania/Toledo Ohio